15 questions from the TV show "Weak Link" for an intellectual warm-up
15 questions from the TV show "Weak Link" for an intellectual warm-up

Whose diary sparkles with twos? Whose motor of knowledge died on the very first bump? Prove that these caustic phrases do not apply to you!

15 questions from the TV show "Weak Link" for an intellectual warm-up
15 questions from the TV show "Weak Link" for an intellectual warm-up

– 1 –

In Copenhagen, opposite the Tivoli amusement park, there is a monument. Children like him very much - they often climb onto the lap of a seated bronze man. Who is he?

Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, author of fairy tales for children and adults.

Questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link"
Questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link"

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– 2 –

Where can you see petroglyphs - on a tree or on a stone?

On the stone. Petroglyphs are images that are embossed on a stone base or applied to it with paint. For example, primitive rock paintings in caves.

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– 3 –

What is the name of a literary game in which you have to compose poetry for given rhymes?

Burime. From the French bouts rimés - rhymed ends. The 17th century poet Dulot is considered the inventor of the game.

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– 4 –

Is Brusilov's breakthrough an operation of the First or Second World War?

First. The offensive operation of Russian soldiers under the command of General AA Brusilov against the Austro-Hungarian and German troops was carried out on May 22 - September 7, 1916.

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What subject did old man Hottabych help to take the schoolboy Volka?

By geography. The genie claimed to have extensive knowledge of this discipline.

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– 6 –

Which Kremlin building was built by the architect Matvey Kazakov - the Senate Palace or the Faceted Chamber?

Senate Palace. Its construction was started by order of Empress Catherine the Great in 1776. Initially, the Senate was intended for meetings of the nobility of the Moscow province, but then over the years it housed local government bodies, the Politburo, and even the residential apartments of the heads of state. Now inside the working residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

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– 7 –

What is the name of the main tower in the castle of a European feudal lord?

Donjon. This tower was located inside the fortress walls, and it was used for military-economic purposes. The donjon usually housed food warehouses, armories, observation posts and dungeons.

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– 8 –

Whose attributes were the lion's skin and club - Hercules or Jason?

Hercules. According to myths, the hero got the skin after defeating the Nemean lion. And Hercules made a club for himself - from an ash tree torn from the roots, hard as iron.

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What color is the jersey of the leader of the Tour de France?

Yellow. This color is associated with the newspaper that initially sponsored the event. She had yellow pages.

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– 10 –

What Russian statesman founded the cities of Kherson, Sevastopol and Nikolaev?

G. A. Potemkin, favorite of Catherine the Great. He is also considered the founder of the Dnieper, which at that time was called Yekaterinoslav.

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– 11 –

On which mainland are the Iguazu Falls located?

South America. The complex of 275 waterfalls is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

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– 12 –

Is the heroine of VM Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" sitting on a stone or on a tree stump?

On the stone.

Questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link"
Questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link"

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– 13 –

What is the name of a mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids?

Aqua regia. It is named so for its ability to dissolve gold, which alchemists considered the king of metals. The mixture has nothing to do with alcoholic beverages.

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– 14 –

In what sports game is there such player roles as sideplayer and diagonal?

In volleyball.

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– 15 –

What do professional sumo wrestlers traditionally throw on the platform in Japan before the start of a bout?

Salt. She is considered a symbol of purity in Japan. Sumo wrestlers throw her handfuls onto the court to drive out evil spirits and demonstrate their intention to fight honestly.

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This article uses materials from the 2020 edition.
