20 questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link" to test outlook
20 questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link" to test outlook

Whose head has only one gyrus, and that one is straight? Who should be expelled immediately? Check if you can answer the questions from a famous show.

20 questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link" to test the horizons
20 questions from the TV show "The Weakest Link" to test the horizons

– 1 –

Which of the sisters in the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" was older: Olga or Tatiana?

Tatiana. Literary critic Yuri Lotman writes in the comments to the novel that Tatiana was born presumably in 1803. The novel begins in 1819. This means that in the summer of 1820 the girl was 17. Olga was younger, this can be understood from Onegin's remark to Lensky: “Are you really in love with the smaller one? I would choose another, / If I were like you, a poet. / Olga has no life in her features."

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– 2 –

What was the name of the first museum in Russia, established by Peter the Great?

Kunstkamera. Currently - the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The date of foundation of the "cabinet of rarities" is considered to be 1714.

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– 3 –

Which product name is translated from French as "Cologne water"?

Cologne. This is how it is spelled in French: eau de Cologne. Johann Maria Farina founded a perfume factory in Cologne in 1709 and named his perfume after the city.

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– 4 –

Who created the famous marble statue of David, an early Renaissance masterpiece?


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– 5 –

What class of animals is the most numerous and widespread on Earth?

Insects. More than a million species are known to science.

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– 6 –

Who uses a palette knife: an artist or a blacksmith?

Painter. A palette knife is a spatula for mixing, applying or removing oil paint residues, and for cleaning canvas.

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– 7 –

What was the name of the personal flag of the emperor, raised in the place of his stay?

Standard. They picked it up, for example, on sea vessels or in residences.

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– 8 –

Above the entrance portico of the Bolshoi Theater is a sculpture of Apollo with a team. How many horses are there?

Apollo drives a quadriga, a chariot drawn by four horses.

Weak Link: Apollo with Team
Weak Link: Apollo with Team

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– 9 –

What needs to be done so that in England they say to you: “God bless you”, and in China: “Live a hundred years”?


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– 10 –

What household items do the Chinese give to newlyweds so that they are together and always help each other?

Kuayzi - chopsticks. It is understood that the newlyweds will be the same inseparable.

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– 11 –

What institution in St. Petersburg is one of the most visited, although its name in French means “a place of solitude”?

Hermitage Museum. Catherine II began to collect the collection for the future museum. At first, all works of art were housed in the palace apartments, which in the French manner were called ermitage, that is, "a place of solitude." With the expansion of the collection, the entire palace complex began to be called so.

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– 12 –

What constellation of our sky looks like the Latin and English letters W?

Cassiopeia is the constellation of the Northern Hemisphere of the sky.

Weak Link: Cassiopeia
Weak Link: Cassiopeia

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– 13 –

On which continent are the volcanoes Erebus and Terror located?

Antarctica. Erebus is the southernmost active volcano on Earth. The extinct volcano Terror is located 30 kilometers away.

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– 14 –

Which Trojan hero's wife was Andromache?

Andromache was the wife of Hector, who in ancient Greek mythology was considered one of the most courageous fighters of the Trojan War.

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– 15 –

In honor of which French microbiologist is the method of food disinfection named?

Louis Pasteur. Pasteurization not only contributes to the disinfection of products, but also helps to increase their shelf life.

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– 16 –

What, according to legend, did the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, dissolve and drink at the feast with Mark Antony?

Pearl. Cleopatra argued with Mark Antony about who could throw the most expensive feast. The queen was losing, so she asked the servants for a vessel with vinegar or wine (here the data differ), took off her pearl earring and threw it into the liquid.

When the pearl supposedly dissolved, the queen drank the resulting cocktail. It turns out that it was a very expensive pearl, which was worth 10 million sesterces (coins). So Cleopatra won the argument.

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– 17 –

What was the palace built for the clownish wedding of the subjects of Empress Anna Ioannovna?

The house consisted of ice blocks that were held together by water. All the interior decoration was also made of ice: a table, stools, cups, flowers and even playing cards.

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– 18 –

What is the word for both the hairstyle and the representative of one of the Indian tribe?

Iroquois. With the hairstyle, everything is clear, but the tribes with this name live in Canada and the United States. The word is borrowed from the Algonquian languages: "iroku" means "real vipers."

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– 19 –

What creation of the sculptor Ivan Martos can be seen on Red Square?

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It is located near St. Basil's Cathedral.

"Weak link": a monument to Minin and Pozharsky
"Weak link": a monument to Minin and Pozharsky

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– 20 –

Which ocean basin does the Laptev Sea belong to?

The Laptev Sea is the marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean.

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This article uses questions from issues from,,.
