Table of contents:

10 alternative foods for a healthy diet and fast weight loss
10 alternative foods for a healthy diet and fast weight loss

Introduce them into the diet at least periodically, and pleasant changes will not be long in coming.

10 alternative foods for a healthy diet and fast weight loss
10 alternative foods for a healthy diet and fast weight loss

1. White rice → Quinoa

Healthy foods: quinoa
Healthy foods: quinoa

100 grams of quinoa contains 4.4 grams of pure protein - more than any other grain. For comparison: in the same amount of rice protein is only 2.4 g. Also in this South American cereal there are all nine amino acids necessary for the body. Quinoa is also rich in phosphorus (three times more than rice), iron (twice as much as wheat), calcium, zinc, and fiber.

Rice is high in carbohydrates, but there are slightly fewer calories per serving. But quinoa is more efficiently processed by the body, providing fuel from pure protein to the entire body. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the stomach. Therefore, in the dispute with rice and with many other grains, quinoa wins.

2. White bread → Lavash

Useful products: lavash
Useful products: lavash

Oat and spelled bread, as well as products made from sprouted whole or rye grains are the most useful. The thing is that they are minimally processed and retain the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients. But such bread is very difficult to find on the shelves of ordinary stores, and it will not be cheap.

Therefore, instead of sliced white bread, choose thin, yeast-free pita bread for your sandwiches: it has fewer calories and less fat. In addition, pita bread also contains iron and calcium. Compared to it, white bread has almost no nutritional value.

3. Mashed potatoes → Cauliflower puree

Cauliflower puree is healthier than potato
Cauliflower puree is healthier than potato

Replacing potatoes with cauliflower is worth it for a number of obvious reasons. First, it contains vitamins and minerals such as C, K, B1, B6, potassium, sodium, fiber, folic acid. Secondly, cauliflower serves as a source of antioxidants and helps to strengthen the immune system. The apogee of its health benefits is its very low calorie content compared to mashed potatoes.

4. Wheat flour cakes → Corn flour cakes

Healthy Foods: Corn Flour Cakes
Healthy Foods: Corn Flour Cakes

One 100-gram corn tortilla contains only 218 kcal and 2.85 g of fat, while a similar product made from wheat flour contains 306 kcal and 7.99 g of fat. The difference is obvious!

Not to mention, corn cakes are healthier for the digestive system, brain and heart because they are a good source of magnesium Magnesium in man: implications for health and disease, Magnesium in man: implications for health and disease. Corn and corn products also help Nut, corn, and popcorn consumption and the incidence of diverticular disease in the prevention of chronic bowel disease.

5. Sour cream → Greek yogurt

Healthy foods: Greek yogurt
Healthy foods: Greek yogurt

Low-fat Greek yogurt has a delicate, mild flavor. In consistency, it is slightly thicker than sour cream, and can be an excellent substitute for it, since it has a low calorie content. In addition, Greek yogurt has a beneficial effect on mental health, strengthens bones, and helps you lose weight.

6. Juice → Fruit water

Fruit water is a healthy product
Fruit water is a healthy product

Fruit juices (even if they are freshly squeezed and made according to all technologies) are actually not that healthy. The fact is that most often they contain sugar and sweet syrup, which provoke our body to produce and store excess fat.

Therefore, choose water with fresh fruit instead of juices. Mash berries and fruits in a glass, cover with water and leave in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. The resulting drink will help you avoid extra calories, and it will also have a beneficial effect on dental health.

7. Mayonnaise → Avocado puree

Avocado puree is healthier than mayonnaise
Avocado puree is healthier than mayonnaise

Do you like various snacks with sauces? Then consider: 100 g of mayonnaise contains 714 kcal, a lot of saturated fat and about 679 mg of sodium. And in the same amount of avocado pulp - only 103 kcal, and sodium and not more than 10 mg at all. That being said, its health benefits are fantastic: it leads the list of anti-aging foods because it contains healthy vegetable fat and vitamin E.

Avocados also contain glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps to saturate the body with oxygen and potassium, which keeps the skin and blood vessels in good condition. Unsurprisingly, some consider guacamole, the pureed pulp of an avocado, to be a superfood.

8. French Fries → Sweet Baked Potatoes

Healthy foods: baked sweet potato
Healthy foods: baked sweet potato

French fries are harmful for objective reasons: they contain a lot of saturated fats and carbohydrates, which do not bring anything good to the body. Another thing is sweet potato, or sweet potato. It contains a hefty portion of vitamins and nutrients that are so beneficial for the body: A, C, protein and fiber.

In addition, sweet potatoes are easier to digest than the usual potatoes, which contain glycoalkaloids, which are harmful in large quantities. So the next time you feel like grabbing a bite of fries, bake a sweet potato in the oven instead.

9. Tomato ketchup → Fresh chopped tomatoes

Healthy foods: fresh tomatoes
Healthy foods: fresh tomatoes

It would seem, what's wrong with tomato ketchup - isn't it just tomatoes? But no. They often contain high amounts of sugar and sometimes other obscure ingredients that are definitely not needed by those trying to maintain a healthy diet.

So choose fresh, diced or shredded tomatoes. At least that way you will know exactly what you are putting in your mouth. And you certainly won't get the countless sugars you don't need that only stimulate your body to produce and store fat. And tomatoes are also useful, for the skin, heart, stomach, prevention of bowel, prostate and lung cancer.

10. Pasta → Whole Grain Pasta

Healthy Foods: Whole Grain Pasta
Healthy Foods: Whole Grain Pasta

The calorie content of these products is almost the same. However, consuming large amounts of pasta - a food high in carbohydrates - increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, whole grain pasta can reduce it.

Eating whole grain flour noodles, spaghetti, or horns can help you get more nutrients, gain less weight, and avoid systemic inflammation.
