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TRAINING: The 7 Best Runner Exercises to Get Stronger
TRAINING: The 7 Best Runner Exercises to Get Stronger
TRAINING: The 7 Best Runner Exercises to Get Stronger
TRAINING: The 7 Best Runner Exercises to Get Stronger

In order to run faster, you need not only regular jogging, but other workouts that develop the whole body, not just legs: yoga, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and, of course, strength.

Most runners are not very fond of strength training and prefer to do without it as long as possible, but when it comes to more serious goals, you have to pull yourself together and include yoga and strength training in your program. Yoga makes our body more flexible, ligaments - stronger and at the same time elastic. Strength training further strengthens the muscles and gives us extra stamina. In general, if you really develop, then develop harmoniously, which means that a lot of interesting workouts should be added to jogging! At least I don't know of a single runner who has reached a certain level and stopped only on one runs. Therefore, today we will focus on strength training for runners. To get started - seven simple and very powerful exercises.

So, strength training strengthens our muscles, helps us become stronger and faster, and also provides additional insurance against injuries, since a strong ankle is tucked much less often than one that is not strengthened with additional exercises.

On the one hand, as a runner, you must strengthen the muscles you use the most: the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. On the other hand, you need to maintain balance and correct imbalances in the body, which can result from putting too much stress on the same muscles and completely ignoring others, so it is important to pay attention to the condition of your core and upper body. These workouts need to be taken as seriously as jogging, so it's best to plan your workouts with added strength days.

Before starting the exercises below, make sure you have a good enough base, that is, enough strength and skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to consult with a trainer and perform them under the supervision of a professional. Of course, if you want to achieve really high results, working with a coach at least at first or during preparation for specific competitions with specific goals is a must.

1. Plank

I think everyone knows what the bar is, but just in case, we will repeat it again. The plank is an isometric exercise and is great for strengthening your core and shoulder muscles. It is different, and depending on its varieties, there is a greater emphasis on certain muscles. For example, in the side bar, a large load is placed on the oblique abdominal muscles.

The muscles of the core include the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the transverse abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis muscle, the small and medium gluteus muscles, the adductors, the muscles of the back of the thigh, the infraspinatus muscle, the coracohumeral muscle, and others.


2. "Russian twist" (body turns)

The Russian Twist exercise involves a fairly large number of muscles, including the abs, obliques, lower back, and hamstrings.

3. Squats in a lunge with raised arms

This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, and core. You can do them with weights if you want to add stress.

During the exercise, make sure that the weight is directly above your head, and the angle at the knee of the leg, which is carried forward, is 90 degrees.

4. Air squats

Squats should be a must for a runner. And these squats are some of the easiest to perform and some of the most effective. During their implementation, the muscles of the buttocks, quadriceps muscles of the thigh, hip flexors, buttocks and core muscles are included in the work.

When squatting, make sure that at the final lower point of the thighs are parallel to the floor, and during the lift, the emphasis was not on the toes, but on the heels. Just imagine that you are sitting on a very small chair. If the weight is periodically transferred to the socks, you can place small dumbbell pancakes under the socks.

5. Deadlift on one leg

The one-legged deadlift is an ideal exercise for strengthening the muscles in your thigh and glutes, as well as helping you develop a sense of balance and improve your stability. For a start, you can do this exercise without weight.

6. "Pistol"

I think everyone remembers school tests, and these squats, which have always been part of the school curriculum, too. If done correctly, the dyspepsia will be so strong out of habit that it will be quite painful to walk.;)

7. Lifting dumbbells with rotation

This exercise works to strengthen the muscles in your upper body - your core and shoulders.

As you can see, all of these exercises are aimed at developing strength in the legs and upper body. There is nothing particularly difficult about them, but if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to do them under the supervision of a trainer or ask him to modify them a little (there can be quite a few variations on the topic) in order for them to ideally meet your requirements and in eventually led to the desired results.

Enjoy your training.;)
