Sports nutrition for weight loss without muscle loss
Sports nutrition for weight loss without muscle loss

Every spring, thousands of men and women besiege gyms and fitness centers, hoping to get their bodies in order for the beach season. Panic and despair hit common sense hard, which manufacturers and sellers of magic pills and weight loss techniques are happy to use. Unfortunately, dishonest marketing damages the reputation of really working tools, exaggerating their effectiveness and attributing them to non-existent properties. Let's take a look at what types of sports nutrition and supplements help with the drying process and how to use them correctly.

Sports nutrition for weight loss without muscle loss
Sports nutrition for weight loss without muscle loss

Drying is tough because just losing weight isn't enough. Men want not only to lose fat, but also to preserve muscle. Women need not only a slender, but also an aesthetically attractive body, elastic and fit. To achieve what you want, you need to follow a few basic rules on which successful weight loss is built without negative consequences.

You can't dry out in two weeks

It takes about three months for bodybuilders and top models to reach peak performance. Do you think they would torment themselves for so long if they could do it faster? Also, do not forget that the pros are initially in much better shape, and they are dried using specific preparations that are strictly contraindicated for an ordinary person. You need to prepare for the beach season in advance and gradually. The more time you have, the more gentle diet and exercise regimen you can afford. Fewer restrictions and fatigue means less risk of frustration or abandonment.

There are no magic pills

The promise of charlatans to guarantee effortless weight loss sounds very appealing. You can give money to crooks and get an easy, but not working way to clean yourself up in return. As a "bonus", an unknown and probably not passed the necessary checks, a miracle cure can severely affect your health.

Miracle techniques do not exist

"Vasya did only one exercise, and now he is confused with Arnold!" - something like this looks like another popular scam for money, only this time they are trying to sell you not pills, but a training method. In fact, all working ways to burn fat have been known for a long time, and they are all hard. If you see a program that is obviously simpler, then it is less efficient. There is a direct relationship between the work done and the cost of energy. This is fundamental physics, you can't get away from it. You have to work hard. Each workout is an intensive study of all key muscle groups, mainly with basic exercises, with a gradual transition to supersets.

You can't lose weight in one place

Often in the hall there are people who want to reduce their belly, and therefore frantically swing the press. Do you know why they indicate total body fat and never talk about "belly fat"? Because fat accumulates and is lost everywhere at once, in accordance with the male or female type of deposition. It is impossible to remove fat in a specific area of the body, but it is possible to reduce the total volume of adipose tissue, as a result of which the “problem areas” of interest to you will also decrease. This is the only way our body works.

You can't lose weight and build muscle at the same time

To grow muscle, you need to get more energy than you expend. In this case, fat inevitably appears. To lose weight, you need to spend more energy than you get, primarily due to the exclusion of fats and sources of fast carbohydrates (sweet, starchy foods) from the diet. The total slow carbohydrate content should be reduced to 30% of the total diet. Only with a calorie deficit will the body use existing reserves and begin to burn fat. As you can see, the growth of muscle tissue and the reduction of fatty tissue are opposite processes.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that when there is a lack of energy from food, the body also burns muscle tissue. Some of the muscle loss can be reduced by including more protein in the diet, but that's not enough.

Drying sports nutrition

When drying, sports nutrition becomes especially necessary, since it is a pure product. As healthy as traditional food is, there will still be something superfluous in it. Sports nutrition is concentrated nutrients without unnecessary calories. In addition, there are no sources of pure amino acids in nature, and without them it is extremely difficult to maintain muscles.

For these reasons, the first important item when drying is the presence in the diet complex of amino acids BCAA and quality protein.

Adding 5 grams BCAA in a pre-workout meal will protect muscles from destruction and accelerate the recovery process after exercise.

BCAA VP Laboratory Complex
BCAA VP Laboratory Complex

Whey isolate is the fastest way to give building material to starving muscles. Isolate is absorbed faster than conventional concentrate and is much better refined.

Whey isolate VPLab Pure Iso Whey, bcaa
Whey isolate VPLab Pure Iso Whey, bcaa

In some cases, ultra-fast absorption can be a disadvantage of whey protein, since muscle nutrition must be constant. For more even muscle support with the necessary substances throughout the day, especially if you risk skipping meals, you can take a multi-component protein instead of whey. It is able to nourish muscles twice as long, and it also satisfies hunger better, which is a big plus in a strict diet.

Having ensured the safety of the muscles, you need to think about more effective fat burning. There are few options. In the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to take fat burner-thermogenic (be sure to read the instructions and follow them).

Fat burner VPLab LipoJets, bcaa
Fat burner VPLab LipoJets, bcaa

As a soft option, fit classic fat burner L-carnitine.

L-carnitine, bcaa
L-carnitine, bcaa

Intense training in combination with a strict diet negatively affects the general condition of the body and the vitamin and mineral balance in particular. As a result, immunity suffers. If in other situations the inclusion of sports vitamin-mineral complexes in the diet is more advisory, then when drying, their intake is strictly required.
