Recover lost or accidentally deleted playlists in iTunes
Recover lost or accidentally deleted playlists in iTunes

During the general cleaning of iTunes, some users may accidentally delete some of their favorite playlists that are difficult to restore or are just too lazy to do it. But do not despair, because there is a simple way to return everything to almost its place.

So, if you are faced with a similar problem, there are a few simple steps that will allow you to recover "lost" playlists, if, of course, you did not have time to add any new elements to the media library.

The "magic" sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Close iTunes.
  • Go to the directory

    ~ / Music / iTunes

    or or

    ~ / Music / iTunes

  • if you are using the English localization of the operating system). Just in case, let me remind you that the tilde stands for the user's home directory.
  • Find the file in the open folder

    iTunes Music Library.xml

  • and drag it to any other directory or directly to your desktop.
  • Now we delete the file called

    iTunes Library

  • .
  • Launch iTunes again. In the File> Media Library menu, we need the item "Import playlist …", in the dialog box of which we need to specify the previously saved

    iTunes Music Library.xml

  • .

As a result of the operations performed, all accidentally deleted playlists should reappear in their places. However, there is a possibility (almost) of unexpected appearance of playlists that you deliberately deleted - they will have to be deleted again. (via)
