Table of contents:

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

To achieve financial well-being, you need to take a sober view of the situation and be guided by common sense.

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

How to tell if you are a beggar and not frugal

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

To make saving easy and enjoyable, it is important not to go too far. You can give up entertainment, eat only cheap cereals and travel on vacation from bed to sofa, and not to distant countries. Just what kind of life will it be? Sheer despondency. So it's best to track down the bad habits that are interfering with your financial well-being and get rid of them.

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What is the poverty trap and how to get out of it

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

Poverty is not necessarily the state of the wallet and bank account, it can only exist in the head. But this is enough to poison life.

Due to the wrong perception of money and ways of earning a person is trapped in poverty, from which it is not easy to get out. And even worse, the state of lack of money is often inherited. And here it does without mysticism and the "poverty gene", this has objective reasons.

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How to save with psychological tricks

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

To save, you do not need to have an iron willpower or a special mindset. Much is decided by habits and the influence of external stimuli. Behavioral researcher Wendy de la Rosa offers three universal psychological tricks to help you manage your money effectively.

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How to tell if you have financial problems

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

If you ignore the alarm bells, there is a great risk of being on the edge of the financial abyss. Therefore, it is important to recognize in time the places where you can stumble and spread straws there.

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How to close a bank card and not go into debt

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

If you decide to change banks or abandon your card in favor of cash, it is not enough to put it on the shelf until it expires. Say goodbye to a piece of plastic correctly so as not to make problems.

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How to save every day

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

Most saving tips are universal, but they only work if you're boring to follow them. The best ones don't require much effort. You can effectively save money with little or no limitation.

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How to save with the help of "Gosuslug"

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

The "Gosuslugi" portal made our life much easier. You no longer have to stand in lines to resolve issues with documents. It is enough to send the necessary papers in electronic form and come to the department at the appointed time.

But the bonuses don't end there. Some state duties and fines through "State Services" can be paid with a pleasant discount.

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How to choose the right analogs of expensive products

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

Products are one of the most important items of expenditure. You need to save on them with caution: you can harm your health, then more money will be spent on treatment than you managed to save. We've put together some tips on how to keep costs down without negative consequences.

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How to save money on household chemicals

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

Various solutions and powders, advertising which promise you unprecedented purity, are not cheap. Therefore, advisers from the Internet suggest replacing them with different budget counterparts. Lifehacker author Iya Zorina checked common recommendations and determined whether it was worth the candle.

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How to pay off an eight-year mortgage in a year

The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn
The best Lifehacker articles in 2019 that will help you save and earn

Personal experience of the author Natalia Kopylova, who tried to repay the debt to the bank as quickly as possible for the sake of a beautiful title for the article. In the process, she tried on herself Lifehacker's advice on saving and repaying loans and made conclusions about their effectiveness.

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