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11 Ways To Improve Your Writing Skill
11 Ways To Improve Your Writing Skill

We've picked 11 ways to improve your writing skill. If you like to pour your thoughts into text, then this article is especially for you!

11 Ways To Improve Your Writing Skill
11 Ways To Improve Your Writing Skill

Such materials, perhaps, come out more often than we would like. And not just like that, because everyone wants to write, and this is wonderful. Expressing your thoughts, sharing them with others and getting feedback is great. Each of us constantly wants to develop and learn. This is something inherent in us. Probably nature. For my own purposes, I have compiled a small note on which direction I would like to develop, and, perhaps, it will be useful to you.

Get rid of unnecessary, parasitic words

And then they kind of interfere very much, in short. Both in colloquial speech and in writing, each of us has words that we would like to use less often. For me, for example, these are the words "for example", "possibly", "besides this" and several others, which I can't remember right away. While these words add a touch of beauty to the text, you shouldn't use them too often. You can replace with synonyms or try to remake the text so that you do not need them.

Write every day

At least something. Don't tell yourself that you are out of ideas. They are always there:

  1. What did you dream about today.
  2. What interesting things did you learn today / yesterday / this week.
  3. What would you do if you received a million dollars (you can even dream about a billion).
  4. Why this day was good.
  5. How could I have lived this day better.
  6. What would you like to change today.
  7. Why you don't have inspiration and what you need to do to make it appear.
  8. What useful things have you done.
  9. What could you teach a stranger.
  10. Why do we need an appendix (it turns out that we really need it!)

Write every day and it will help you develop your skill more and more.

Read books

Where else can you get inspiration and understanding of how beautiful text should look? A simple rule of thumb: if you don't read, you cannot write. There are so many wonderful books in the world, each of which will help you not only plunge into the fictional world, but also get real benefits. Writing skills, for example.

Re-read with a fresh mind

Many errors do not appear immediately. Rereading the text immediately after writing will help to cross out a couple of mistakes, but it is best to do this after a while, ideally the next day. This will give you a fresh mind to test your creativity, and I assure you that you will want to fix and redo a lot.

Remove unnecessary water

In American Psycho, the lengthy descriptions of the protagonist shaving, applying gel to the body, and dressing in a Brioni suit and Prada shoes are an artistic twist. You'd better get rid of the excess water. Don't write as much as possible. Short sentences and only what you really need. There is too much information on the Internet, and no one will read meaningless paragraphs of text.

Listen to criticism

The author is an idiot and does not understand what he is writing about.

Not such criticism, but adequate. If your close friends or readers have expressed an opinion about your article, rate it and draw the right conclusions. You cannot get rid of all your mistakes on your own. Therefore, sound criticism is the best factor for your growth.

Write the way I think

You should not write in abstruse words, trying to develop your own style. Write the way you think. The voice that sits in your head already knows what to do. Trust him and let him say what he wants. If you want to write like Bukowski, there will always be someone who does it better. For example, Bukowski.

"Steal", but within reasonable limits

Coming up with something new is very difficult. Especially in this area. But, if you know a great article that you would like to share with your readers, or just translate it because it’s awesome, then do it. And don't forget about copyrights.:)

Use short sentences and paragraphs

No one will read canvases of text with long sentences and a lot of turns. Try to keep it short and remember to divide your text into paragraphs. A short paragraph is much easier to read than a long one.

Enjoy the process

Some time ago I wanted to become a programmer. But after a while I realized that I wanted it only because I saw a beautiful office in which people were sitting and writing code, while earning a lot of money. I didn't want to become a programmer. I guess I just wanted to be rich. Therefore, if you want to start writing just because you saw a blogger with a Macbook in a cafe, the venture is doomed to failure in advance. You need to love to write and enjoy the process.

To write interestingly, you need to live interestingly

I came to this conclusion after spending five days at home, without going anywhere and doing nothing. I didn't have a single idea in my head, and there was no question of writing at least something. You will have to try something new, get out of your comfort zone, because without this you will be the same as everyone else. You don't want that, right?
