Table of contents:

15 ways to improve your mood in less than half an hour
15 ways to improve your mood in less than half an hour

By doing this once, you will delight yourself. And by repeating regularly, you can change your life.

15 ways to improve your mood in less than half an hour
15 ways to improve your mood in less than half an hour

1. Stretch

The sedentary lifestyle that most of us lead is seriously harmful to health in the long term. In addition, sitting in the same position for a long time is simply unpleasant. So get up and stretch. Remember to combine movement with deep, even breathing. It will only take you 20-30 minutes, but you will feel better both physically and mentally. And if you practice regularly, improve your health.

2. Call a friend

Sadness, discouragement, irritation and other unpleasant emotions often arise from loneliness. Talking to a friend will let you chill out and remind yourself that there are people to whom you are important. And if you make an appointment (albeit a virtual one), you will have an additional reason for joy.

3. Get out in nature

Just walk a little or sit in the sun and you will feel better. Vitamin D and the endorphins you get from breathing in fresh air will affect both your physical condition and your mood.

4. Help someone

Volunteer on a project that is important to you, bring groceries to your elderly neighbor, or donate unwanted items to charity. Doing something selfless will make you feel happier and make the world around you a little better.

5. Go in for sports

Naturally, this is good for your health. In addition, the endorphins released during exercise will energize you with positive emotions. And you don't have to train for hours to benefit. In 30 or even 15 minutes, you will improve your form and be inspired for other achievements.

6. Do the targeting exercise

  • Take a piece of paper and draw two perpendicular lines.
  • In the first square that you get, write down where you would like to be in five years.
  • In the second, what needs to happen in order for you to achieve it. These points will become your goals for the year.
  • In the third square, write down what you need to do to get closer to your long-term goals. This will give you goals for the quarter.
  • Fourth, what to do to achieve the desired quarterly results. This is where you get your goals for the week.

These four squares will help you see what you are aiming for and plan your dream. Follow it to make your life really change.

7. Write down what you love about yourself

To increase your self-confidence, consider what qualities and traits you like about you. Write a few of them on pieces of paper and post them at home in conspicuous places. As soon as your gaze falls on them, you will feel a surge of good mood and confidence. When the effect starts to fade, replace this portion of the leaves with stickers with different qualities.

8. Keep a diary

Diary entries help to throw out all the thoughts that have accumulated in your head. And sometimes to realize something important - something that you did not notice in the everyday hustle and bustle. Take 5-10 minutes throughout the day to do this, write down your thoughts and feelings, and enjoy the sense of clarity. Regular journaling can also help you feel more comfortable and cope with trauma.

9. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in life

Write down everything that comes to mind - big dreams and small ones. Make sure that the list does not include other people's expectations, but only what is important to you. When you're done, get a map to your future and a source of motivation.

10. Do the cleaning

Purity in consciousness begins with purity around. Wipe off the dust, get rid of unnecessary things, put things in their places, and you will feel relieved. Don't try to cover everything in one go - set aside half an hour a day to tidy up one corner. Start cleaning in your work area. Clutter has been proven to cause stress, and at work there is enough stress anyway.

11. Think about the past day

For example, in the evening before going to bed or when you return from work. Recall what made you happy, what you learned, what you realized that you could have done to make your day better. Celebrate progress, if any, and let go of negative thoughts. And most importantly, remember: tomorrow you can start from scratch.

It would be nice to combine this exercise with journaling.

12. Do a self-massage

It can help you relax when you are tired or stressed. Put some essential oil (such as eucalyptus or peppermint) on your hands for an aromatherapy session.

13. Go to bed half an hour earlier

Every extra minute of sleep will be beneficial, especially if you don't normally get enough sleep. Going to bed early is an hour or two difficult, so start with 30 minutes. During sleep, the brain and body regenerate. Depriving yourself of proper rest, you are deprived of the opportunity to be healthy and vigorous.

14. Get up half an hour early

The way you spend your morning sets the tone for the day. If you want a calm and productive day, wake up early and do something that gives you pleasure. For example, meditate, do a few yoga asanas, read an interesting book, draw, take a walk, play with your pet. It will give you inspiration for the whole day.

15. Say thanks to family and friends

For example, for a service rendered, a gift, a pleasant evening together, or simply for the fact that they are in your life. And you will be pleased, and they will be delighted. Try to thank someone every day - and you will begin to notice more good things around, and your relationships with people will become stronger.
