Table of contents:

50 bad habits you need to get rid of before age 30
50 bad habits you need to get rid of before age 30

A comprehensive list to help you change your life for the better.

50 bad habits you need to get rid of before age 30
50 bad habits you need to get rid of before age 30

1. Live in anticipation of the weekend

Plan for the evening after work to do something interesting. Have a hobby, meet friends, just take your mind off your computer. Then weekdays will cease to drag on painfully in anticipation of the weekend.

2. Buying trendy things that quickly become outdated

Sometimes we wear such clothes 5-7 times a season, and then it ceases to be relevant and gathers dust in the closet. It is better to buy things that will last a long time, even if they are more expensive.

3. Smoking for the company

Usually people do not consider themselves to be smokers if they do not smoke every day. But if you do it at least occasionally, you have a higher risk of heart disease and cancer, not to mention things like bad breath, bad skin, and wasted money.

4. Cling to a friendship that has worn out

The closer you get to your thirties, the fewer friends you usually have. Communication with classmates and classmates is gradual and you just need to put up with it.

Don't blame yourself. Invest more time and energy in relationships with those who value you.

5. Do not keep to sleep

Most go to bed at different times every day, most often very late. This is bad for the quality of sleep. Find a routine that suits you and stick to it.

6. Forget about indoor plants

Indoor flowers create the feeling that an adult responsible person lives in the apartment. But if you have already started them, then do not forget to water.

7. Rely on metabolism instead of exercise

To get the result, you need to practice at least three times a week. Perhaps for this you sometimes have to miss an event.

8. Rarely change sheets

Sleep better on fresh sheets. It also feels like you are in control of your life. You need a little effort, but you are pleased.

9. Drink cheap wine

Many people try to cut back on alcohol as they get older. Think about what you are drinking. Expensive wine tastes better and is usually drunk less often. Perhaps this will give you the incentive you need.

10. Rely on someone else's taste in clothing

You should already have your own style and an understanding of which things best reflect your essence. Of course, you can ask your fashion friends for advice, but don't let your family or partner buy clothes for you. Go shopping alone, experiment and over time you will find the option in which you are comfortable and which everyone will associate with you.

11. Don't value time with friends

There is a fairly short period of time in life when there is an opportunity to go somewhere with friends. Then everyone gets a family and loans, and there is less and less time for friends. So enjoy being with them and don't take your friendship for granted.

12. Don't compromise on what you deserve in a relationship

Stop sacrificing your interests in the relationship. Do not chase after someone who is clearly not interested in you enough.

13. Do something because you kind of should

Life is too short to waste time doing things that you don't feel like doing. For example, you shouldn't go to parties or events just because you supposedly have to be there.

14. Neglect mental health in favor of physical

Eating and exercising should make you feel satisfied, not guilty. If attitudes towards physical health affect mental well-being, it's time to re-prioritize.

15. Sit on trendy diets

Better to eat healthy all the time. Maybe on New Year's holidays you will gain a couple of kilograms, but then you will lose them without much difficulty. And with diets, you are more likely to harm the body.

16. Do not accumulate bonuses and miles

Earn miles for flights or train trips, get bonus cards in supermarkets. This does not require much effort, but it gives quite noticeable benefits. Even small bonuses come in handy when planning your next trip.

17. Not be able to cook

Convenience foods and instant noodles work well for students, but for an older person, this option already looks sad. Learn to cook normal food.

18. Spending time with people who make you feel like nothing

Don't waste your energy on those who don't like you. Don't try to please them by force. Spend time with those who love you better. Learn to appreciate the people who accept you for who you are.

19. Buy plastic bags every time you go to the store

The amount of discarded plastic is growing every year. Try avoiding single-use bags to help reduce environmental impact. It is better to buy a reusable shopping bag and carry it with you: it is better for nature and save money in the future.

20. Do not get tested for STIs

Many people are too lazy to check their health regularly. But when it comes to testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it's best not to joke.

21. Cancel plans at the last minute

Evaluate your capabilities realistically and do not agree to everything, so that later you do not have to refuse. By the age of 30, people often have their time scheduled months in advance. Don't let them down at the last moment. Also, try to respond quickly when agreeing on joint plans.

22. Please everyone

Trying to please everyone will only get tired. The people around you may be happy, but you will not. Don't drive yourself to exhaustion. Friends will understand if sometimes you are busy or just want to take a break from everyone.

23. Stay broke by the end of the month

Keep track of where your money goes and what you can save on. Now there are many that help you manage your finances and spend less.

24. Don't save for retirement

The sooner you start, the more you will accumulate for retirement. If you haven't opened a retirement account by 30, it's time to do so.

25. Do not iron clothes

Crumpled things give the impression that you have not grown up yet and are waiting for your mother to pet them.

26. Postpone difficult conversations

The older you get, the more often you have to start them. Better to gather your courage and talk. The feeling of freedom and lightness that will appear after is worth the discomfort experienced.

27. Deceive yourself

Potatoes are, of course, a vegetable, but they won't help you lose weight. Sitting on a treadmill, when you constantly look at your phone, can hardly be called a workout, but there is little benefit from it. You are doing this for yourself, not for others, so give it your all.

28. Set impossible goals

Stop investing energy in the goals that. The goal should be clear, measurable and have a deadline. For example, not “Save the environment”, but “By 2020, increase the percentage of recycled materials in my city by 60%”.

29. Spend little time with parents

With age, you realize that family is the most important thing in life. Don't refer to your busyness. Call your parents more often, have lunch or spend weekends with them.

Friends come and go, but the family stays with you.

30. Don't call older relatives

They won't live forever. And you will regret not talking to them while you had the opportunity. So go and call your grandma. It will not take much of your time, but she will be very happy.

31. Do not send back unliked purchases

Do not be lazy to issue a refund if something does not suit you. Otherwise, this thing will litter your home.

32. Compare your life with someone else's

People post on social media only what they want to show to others. Such photographs do not reflect their real life. Do not forget about this, otherwise your own will always seem worse.

33. Don't talk about your difficulties

It's okay to admit that it's hard for you. We often pretend that everything is ok due to social pressure. But do not keep the negative in yourself - this will only make it worse.

34. Drink little water

We usually drink a maximum of one glass of water, plus a lot of tea or coffee. Even when we are thirsty, we are too lazy to get up for water. It is harmful to the skin, kidneys and the whole body.

35. Spend all weekend on the couch

Of course, on weekends you just want to relax, but sometimes you need to go out somewhere. Get active, have a hobby, go or take a short trip.

36. Do not forgive insults

It will only hurt past, present and future relationships. Do not be bitter, pacify your pride and go forward. This is more beneficial in the long run.

37. Drink regularly all night

With age, recovering from this becomes harder and harder. Leave nightly bar hikes for rare special occasions.

38. And wasting the next day with a hangover

There is nothing worse than getting away from Friday get-togethers all weekend.

39. Postpone cleaning until mold starts

You don't have to clean every day to keep the house clean. Just wash your tub every now and then and throw away the trash. It will not be so embarrassing to invite someone to your place.

40. Spend more time watching TV than reading

You won't be happy with yourself after drinking a season of the show. Reading, on the other hand, is both relaxing and teaching. After reading the book, you will feel that you have done something useful for yourself.

41. Go to McDonald's at night

It's especially tempting after having a drink with friends in the evening. But the body is unlikely to thank you for this.

42. Do not monitor dental health

Brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and see your dentist regularly. You only have one teeth, so watch them.

43. Suffer from dating

It often seems that at this age everyone has already got a family, and you are the only one who was left without a couple. But you shouldn't suffer because of this. Don't go on dates every night just out of desperation.

Don't worry if you are not asked to meet on dating apps. Or the person you are dating does not answer for several days. If it was important to him, he would not treat you that way. Do not try to build relationships by force - let everything develop naturally.

44. Do not use sunscreen

Skin care becomes even more important with age. And not only when you are on the beach. Dermatologists advise to apply it regularly, including during the cold season.

45. Worry about what others think

It's just a waste of energy.

46. Living without a long-term plan

Ideally, by this time you should already understand what you want from life. At the beginning of each year, think about the main areas of your life to understand what you need to change. This will help you focus on the main thing and move towards your own idea of happiness.

47. Believe that you know everything

It seems to twenty-year-olds that they have already seen everything and know everything. The older you get, the more you realize that this is not so. Be open to new experiences and advice.

48. Apologizing too often

We used to apologize even when we didn’t do anything wrong. Only when used too often do such words become toxic. Wean yourself off this habit.

Only ask for forgiveness when you feel guilty.

49. Keep all important dates in mind

Create a calendar and enter all the important dates and events at the beginning of the year so that you don't forget anything. It doesn't matter if it will be on paper or in an application, the main thing is that it is convenient for you.

50. Buy coffee every morning

When there is little time in the morning, buying coffee seems logical. Gradually it becomes part of the morning ritual. But if you add up the money spent on this, it may well be enough for a vacation. Prepare coffee at home or in the office so you don't waste any extra.
