Stretching on the go: the easiest and fastest exercises
Stretching on the go: the easiest and fastest exercises

We have written more than once about how constant sitting at a table, in a car, or on an airplane negatively affects our body. Yes, you yourself probably feel it. Pain in the back, neck and even wrists becomes our constant companion. This article has collected the simplest head-to-toe stretching exercises that will greatly help you feel much better and more energized by the end of the day.

Stretching on the go: the easiest and fastest exercises
Stretching on the go: the easiest and fastest exercises

Remember that when you stretch, you should feel the tension in the muscles, but there should be no pain. Static stretching for 15 seconds (per exercise for one muscle group) will not only improve your well-being, but also avoid many injuries.


Do you feel tension in your shoulders? This not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to rotator cuff injury.

Make circular movements with your shoulders. Slowly, trying to feel each muscle: forward, up, back, and then in the opposite direction. Gently press your right hand as close to the body as possible, as shown in the picture, hold this position for 15 seconds. Now repeat the same with the other hand.

Shoulder stretch
Shoulder stretch


The neck is very stressed during the working day. But due to overstrain of the neck muscles, headaches and other serious troubles can occur.

To stretch your neck, press your chin against your chest and turn it to the left. Extend your left arm up, and then bend at the elbow and reach towards the back of your neck. Repeat the same, turning your head to the right.

If you are on the road, then this exercise should be performed while you are waiting for the green traffic light. Stretch your hand as low as possible, sit on your palm and tilt your head towards the opposite shoulder. Do the same for the other hand.

Neck stretch
Neck stretch

Muscles of the chest

One simple exercise will help you breathe more easily and reduce the chances of getting a shoulder injury.

Bend your elbows slightly and lean behind your back on the seat of a chair. Stretch your chest forward and slightly upward, and stretch your elbows back.

Stretching for chest muscles
Stretching for chest muscles


Clasp your hands behind your back: one hand on the bottom, the other on top. After 15 seconds, change hands and repeat the exercise. It's okay if you can't reach it right away, gradually your result will get better.

Triceps stretch
Triceps stretch

Forearms, wrists, hands

Let's say no to tunnel syndrome!

Stretch your right arm out in front of you, fingers pointing up. With your left hand, pull your fingers towards you (slowly and carefully). Then turn your palm so that your fingers are pointing down, again pull them with your left hand towards you. Repeat the exercise by changing hands.

Make circular motions with your wrists. Clench your hands into fists a few times, this will help stretch the fingers themselves.

Stretching for arms
Stretching for arms

Small of the back

Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your chest towards your knees without leaving your chair. Feel the unpleasant tension in your lower back. If you have a good stretch, you can spread your legs wider so that they do not interfere with your bending lower.

Lumbar stretch
Lumbar stretch


Oh yes, this part of the body suffers no less than the others and requires stretching in order not to be "square" by the end of the working day. Place the ankle of your right leg on your left knee, and now pull your left leg towards your chest. Do you feel how your muscles work? Repeat for the opposite side.

Stretching for the buttocks
Stretching for the buttocks


To stretch the hamstrings while sitting in a chair, stretch your right leg forward and bend as low as possible towards it, keeping your back straight. Hold your leg with your hands and help yourself bend deeper. Repeat for the other leg.

Stretching for legs
Stretching for legs

You can get up and stretch down to your feet. This will make the stretch even better. If the office space allows you, then throw your leg on the table and reach for the foot, pulling your toes towards you. This will stretch and warm up the caviar very well.

Feet and ankles

Place your right foot on your left and rotate the foot of your right foot. Change legs and do the same. This simple exercise will protect you from Achilles tendon injuries.

For the next exercise, it is advisable that you have soft shoes on your feet or not at all. You can do it while sitting or standing. Put the top of your toes on the floor and transfer your weight to this leg, spring a little. Repeat for the other leg.

Foot stretch
Foot stretch

Press the base of your fingers on the floor, spring, transferring the weight to your fingertips.

Try to do at least a couple of such exercises, and you will immediately feel how blood circulation has improved, muscle tension has disappeared, you feel a surge of vivacity and lightness. This will help you not only work productively during the day, but also by the evening feel like a person full of energy, and not a creature dying of fatigue.
