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15 life tips that will teach you a deeper view of the world
15 life tips that will teach you a deeper view of the world

Improve your worldview, reading skills and perception of other people's opinions.

15 life tips that will teach you a deeper view of the world
15 life tips that will teach you a deeper view of the world

1. Don't focus on stability

People more and more often accept the existing situation without trying to change anything. We move less, change jobs and opinions less often, live in a monotonous environment. And because of this, we are missing out on interesting opportunities.

Don't worry so much about the instability and chaos. Sometimes they just talk about something interesting going on. Beware of stability and complacency.

2. Turn curiosity into a career

Many are still amazed at how you can make money blogging and writing posts. And for this you just need to make sure that your curiosity brings something valuable to others.

Find useful links, ask questions that will help people in work and life. Offer an unexpected point of view, talk about what is important. Give your readers something of value.

3. Read books that change your worldview

These are works that shake you to the very core: they have many new and unusual ideas. For example, the works of Hayek, Parfit, Plato. Find books that can change your perspective and read them with deep thought.

4. Consider the cost of the fight

When you argue with a loved one about some little thing, think about what it will cost you to win this dispute. Let's say you like your own idea a little more, you persist and come out a winner. And become a little happier.

But how much will you lose because your loved one is upset? Is your opinion on a little thing really more important to you?

5. Remember what is really in short supply

As Cowan writes in his book, “In today's global economy, there is a shortage of:

  1. Quality land and natural resources;
  2. Intellectual property, good ideas about what to produce;
  3. Skilled workers with unique skills."

6. Consider that knowledge accumulates as compound interest

The value of the information received increases over time. The more you read, the easier and faster reading becomes. The more often you learn something, the easier it is for you to remember new things.

7. Don't take your life as a story

Most people describe life as a journey or a story. But this leads to a simplified understanding of events and cause-and-effect relationships. And also to arrogance.

8. When traveling, pretend to be a burglar

For example, when going to a museum, imagine that you need to scout the situation before stealing. This will change your perception of art and help you better remember the objects of interest.

9. Delve into other people's work

When communicating with a person, try to understand the essence of his work. This is a special skill that few people have. For him, you need to "get out" of your own head and think about someone else.

10. Read a variety of books

Choose artworks from completely different fields and eras. Read about history, politics, memoirs of famous people, science. This will give you a more complete picture of the world.

Don't be afraid to throw art books in the middle if you don't like them. Read the way you want. Skip places, look at the end, follow the story of only one hero. You do not read to pass the exam, but for your own pleasure.

11. Don't be afraid to cooperate

You don't have to do everything yourself, so collaborate if possible. Intelligent and creative partners will help your business grow and develop.

12. Describe the opinion you disagree with

It is not enough to simply ponder a controversial statement. Write about other people's views as if they are yours. Try to explain your opponent's motivation or parental beliefs. This will help you better understand them.

13. Think Before You Disagree

Usually we take our own opinions too seriously, we speak out with unjustified confidence. And, on the contrary, we neglect other people's views.

Try to overcome such an arrogant attitude in yourself. Consider any idea. Be open to everything new. And, even when you disagree, stay friendly.

14. Don't give in to emotions

When it comes to controversial things, try to separate emotion from fact. Don't let irritation get the best of you. Try sincerely to understand the other side's opinion and understand what happened.

15. Check if your actions are in line with your beliefs

People love to talk about their beliefs, but rarely compare their actions to them. These inconsistencies in behavior can be exploited by marketers. So reconsider your own actions.

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