Table of contents:

Lose weight by walking and running
Lose weight by walking and running

Summer is not the time to sit at home putting on those extra pounds. We offer you a program that combines a variety of cardio loads and will help you keep fit without the financial costs of the gym.

Lose weight by walking and running
Lose weight by walking and running

In winter, our desire to start playing sports very often falls into hibernation. And we ourselves usually just want to wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and do nothing. But then summer has come, and we can no longer justify the presence of extra pounds with winter apathy and we understand that we need to do something about it.

If you have a predominantly "sedentary" working day, then now is the time to get in shape and not become "office plankton". Of course, physical activity and training are beneficial to our body, but if we do the same exercises every day, then soon our body will adapt to stereotypical loads and our weight will rise at one specific figure and will not move from a dead center. Not a very tempting prospect, is it?

To overcome the plateau effect, you must combine strength and cardio training. Cardio is very important, preparatory to strength training, and it is best for beginners to make cardio prevalent.

We would like to offer you a program that combines walking, jogging, other cardio loads and rest breaks - this will help burn calories and subcutaneous fat and prevent satiety with the same physical exercises.

Don't limit your cardio workouts exclusively to jogging and walking - diversify them. There are many ways: aerobics, an exercise bike and regular cycling, an elliptical trainer, roller skates, jumping rope.

After 15-30 minutes of cardio training, you can start strength training. Strength exercises are best done in the gym, in consultation with a trainer who will select the optimal program for you.

In the meantime, you are choosing the right gym for yourself, buying a new workout uniform, or simply putting off exercising and waiting for another Monday, try this 6-week program to help you keep yourself in good shape. In order to start this program, you do not need to visit the gym, it is enough to find a nearby sports ground.

1st week

Day 1: race walking - 1, 6 km.

Day 2: cardio loads (we do not mean walking and running, we talked about examples above).

Day 3: race walking - 800 m, jogging - 800 m, race walking - 800 m.

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: Alternate walking and running for 20 minutes - run for one minute, walk for the second, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: race walking - 1, 6 km.

2nd week

Day 1: race walking - 2, 4 km.

Day 2: cardio exercise.

Day 3: race walking - 800 m, jogging - 800 m, race walking - 800 m.

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: Alternate walking and running for 25 minutes - run for one minute, walk for the second, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: race walking - 1.6 km, jogging - 1.6 km (take a step as needed; if you feel strong, then you can partially replace race walking with running).

3rd week

Day 1: race walking - 3.2 km.

Day 2: cardio exercise.

Day 3: race walking - 400 m, jogging - 400 m (repeat until 4 km is covered).

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: Alternate walking and running for 30 minutes - run for one minute, walk for the second, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: race walking - 800 m, jogging - 2.4 km.

4th week

Day 1: race walking - 3.2 km.

Day 2: cardio exercise.

Day 3: race walking - 400 m, jogging - 800 m (repeat until you have covered 4.8 km).

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: For 40 minutes, alternate walking and running - walk one minute, run three, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: race walking - 800 m, jogging - 3.2 km.

5th week

Day 1: race walking - 1.6 km, jogging - 3.2 km.

Day 2: cardio exercise.

Day 3: race walking - 400 m, jogging - 1.2 km (repeat until you have covered 4.8 km).

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: Alternate walking and running for 35 minutes - walk one minute, run four, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: jogging - 4 km.

6th week

Day 1: race walking - 1.6 km, jogging - 1.6 km (repeat until you have covered 6.4 km).

Day 2: cardio exercise.

Day 3: race walking - 400 m, jogging - 1.2 km (repeat until you have covered 6.4 km).

Day 4: cardio exercise.

Day 5: Alternate walking and running for 30 minutes - walk one minute, run one, repeat.

Day 6: recreation.

Day 7: jogging - 4, 8 km.

Happy training!
