Table of contents:

"Why am I losing weight so slowly?" - how to lose weight and maintain the result
"Why am I losing weight so slowly?" - how to lose weight and maintain the result

If the pounds go off more slowly than you would like, do not be discouraged and do not look back at others. It is not speed that is important, but the achievement of the goal.

"Why am I losing weight so slowly?" - how to lose weight and maintain the result
"Why am I losing weight so slowly?" - how to lose weight and maintain the result

One day the thought that the weight is going away slowly penetrates deep into your head. You weigh yourself several times a day, try to speed up the process, look for a different diet and workout. From my own experience, I will say that the problem here is not that progress has slowed down, but in your attitude. You make a problem out of it and you will attract a lot of more problems, you will be disappointed and give up everything.


The article is about the result for life, and not about periodic attempts to lose weight by the summer, vacation, anniversary or whatever else you have.

Don't compare, don't chase, don't copy

Someone around you does it faster. You compare yourself to others and start copying them. This leads to mistakes and frustration, because other people's recipes rarely work in our life. For example, he (s) can afford to exercise twice a day and eat 6-8 times a day, and you are a firefighter or a doctor on duty 24-36 hours per shift. There are also two children waiting for you at home. Leaving your job and family to lose weight faster?

Fortunately, the scientific principles behind weight loss are the same for everyone.

You need to look for a personal recipe, weaving it into the unique details of your life. Only what you do yourself (a) works the way you want.

Get rid of inadequate expectations

You want to lose weight in three months, but you forget that you carried this weight on yourself for 2, 5, 10 years. I will disappoint you, but the body loses weight more slowly and harder than it gets fat. It is, in principle, against your attempts to fight weight, because for it it is a loss of comfort and a threat to life.

If you have been in well-fed, fat comfort for three years, then lay at least three years on the way back to normal weight.

Perhaps it will take longer, because something constantly happens in life that speeds up or slows you down. For example, it took me more than 10 years to come up with a lifelong result by trial and error. But I did it myself, without mentors and outside help.

Don't get hung up

At the beginning of each attempt, the weight always goes away easily and quickly. It pleases, motivates to continue, and it seems that it will always be so. You put in little effort, but you get good results. But the further you go, the more complicated and slow the process becomes. Paradoxically, you put in more and more effort, and you get less and less result.

This rule is universal for everyone.

The closer you are to the goal, the further it is from you. So it seems to everyone who is losing weight who is fixated on the result.

And the more you get hung up (weigh yourself every hour, constantly think about it and get upset), the higher the likelihood of a breakdown.

You need to let go of the situation, just keep doing what needs to be done to achieve the goal. Answer the question: “What will happen when I lose these 5-10 kg? / will I weigh 50 kg? If you find it difficult to answer yourself honestly to this question, then this is not your goal. Whoever simply loses weight and does not realize why he is doing it, he never reaches the end.


Speed is not important. The fact that you get the result is important. If there is a result, then you are doing everything right. Everything else is details, and they are fickle, unreliable. Don't fold.
