7 healthy foods that can make you fat
7 healthy foods that can make you fat

"Since this yogurt is low in fat, it means you can eat a lot and I won't get better!" - how often do you think so? In fact, this thought may be just that delusion, because of which you have not been able to get rid of those extra pounds over the past few months. Low Fat Yogurt & 6 More Healthy Foods That Can Make You Fat.

7 healthy foods that can make you fat
7 healthy foods that can make you fat

When we are fond of diets and healthy eating in general, we forget that even vitamins in large quantities can be poison. Even water, if you drink 8-10 liters of it a day (depending on your physical size), can become a deadly drink.

My fitness trainer, in our conversation about healthy eating, once said that some people always check the fat content of, for example, dairy and sour-milk products, and when they are convinced that the fat content is 0, 00%, they enthusiastically absorb curd kefir in any quantity. But at the same time, they forget that fat content is one thing, and calorie content is quite another. The result is a vicious circle: people eat what seems to be useful, but at the same time, their main goal - to lose weight - they do not fulfill.

And there are a lot of such traps. Of course, if you eat a lot of cabbage, you are unlikely to get fat (but you will get stomach problems), but whole grain bread, healthy breakfast cereals, granola and other healthy foods can easily add a couple of extra pounds to you.

Breakfast cereals

I think everyone has seen the Nestlé fitness cereal video. There are a lot of such cereals on store shelves, but before buying a label with the word "fitness", you need to carefully read the composition and calorie content. If you look at the composition of simple breakfast cereals, they are mainly composed of sugar and refined carbohydrates, many of which lead to rapid weight gain.

If you eat breakfast cereals, your blood sugar and insulin levels rise sharply. And after a few hours, when all the indicators are back to normal, you will again want to eat something.

So, once again we remind you that you need to read the composition on the packages and pay attention not to the amount of fat, but to sugar and calories! And do not forget that the calorie content is often indicated either in portions or per 100 g, and not for the entire box. So we buy carefully!

Agave nectar

It is often spoken of as a healthy substitute for sugar or corn syrup. But, in fact, it cannot be considered a healthy product at all. If sugar contains about 50% fructose, then agave syrup contains from 70 to 90%. Of course, fructose, which is found in small amounts in fruits, is healthy, but replacing simple sugar with agave syrup can lead to metabolic problems and other related "delights".

The ideal option is to skip sugar in tea and coffee. Honey will also be much better than agave syrup, just remember to add it to warm drinks (not hotter than 40 degrees Celsius) and monitor the amount, since its calorie content is 26 kcal per teaspoon.

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain bread is often offered as a healthy alternative to white bread and baked goods, and in principle, this is true. This bread is better than white flour, but there are nuances here too! In most cases, this is just a good marketing ploy, since these grains are still crushed to such a state that bread from this flour is absorbed by our body almost as quickly as white.

At least this applies to wheat. If you want a healthier option, you need to look for bread made from a different flour (rye).

Muesli or granola

If you make a bar (granola) and breakfast muesli from cereals, dried fruits and nuts at home, then they are probably very healthy, but quite high in calories (remember about calories!). As for the factory-made bars, they are unlikely to be as useful as the advertisements promise you. As in the case of breakfast cereals, you need to carefully study the composition, which probably contains not very healthy oil and quite a lot of sugar.

Low fat yogurt

As I said at the very beginning of the article, the main danger lies behind the magic word "fat-free"! Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products are not very pleasant to the taste (those who have tried low-fat cottage cheese know how it squeaks on their teeth), so manufacturers add many other "bonuses" to the low-fat product. Most often it is, of course, a huge amount of sugar and flavorings.

Therefore, if you really want to eat yogurt, buy a normal one or cook it yourself at home (yogurt makers are not that expensive, and if you have an electric oven, then you can cook it in it without much difficulty). But don't buy into these cherished "0% fat" in big letters.

Mix of nuts and dried fruits

The mix of nuts and dried fruits is undoubtedly a really healthy food, but if you are on a diet, do not forget that this mixture is very high in calories! When you once again decide to eat a small handful of nuts, remember that in the same almonds - 609 kcal per 100 g. This means that your handful may well have 200-300 kcal.

Fruit juices

The fact that there is a lot of sugar in packaged juices is no longer a secret. Therefore, we will consider this as another reminder.

I would also like to remind you that some fruits are also very high in calories. For example, 100 g of banana contains 100 kcal, grapes - 70 kcal and a lot of sucrose, the same applies to watermelon - only 36 kcal per 100 g, but a very high sugar content.

It is healthy to eat fruits and berries, just remember that everything is good in moderation, otherwise you will not understand why, despite all the efforts to follow the diet and exercise in the gym, the extra pounds do not want to leave their homes.
