Is it worth hiring a student
Is it worth hiring a student

Many employers face the question every day: is it worth hiring a student? What will the company gain from its appearance, and what can it lose? In our article today, we will answer these questions.

Is it worth hiring a student
Is it worth hiring a student

Arguments for

1. From a "blank slate" it is easier to make "your" specialist

Each person, consciously or not, pulls a professional background with him to a new place of work: work habits, norms and rules that prevailed at his previous place of work, and so on.

For example, it is difficult for a person who has worked for several years in an organization where there was a clearly regulated working day, it is difficult to adjust to a free schedule and organize his day so as to have time for everything planned. Or, if initiative was not encouraged at the previous place of work, if a person is accustomed to working according to the precept “do not think, just do what they say,” it will be difficult for him at first to feel the atmosphere of free creativity and learn how to translate his ideas into reality.

There are also shots with a fighting spirit, from which you can often hear phrases like "But at my last place of work …", "And we did it in a completely different way …".

Undoubtedly, it is much easier to make a student out of a student truly "his" specialist than to retrain an already established employee with his own formed professional views.

2. The student is a source of new ideas

What is the average person who devotes eight hours a day to work like? That's right: home - work - home - everyday life - everyday life - everyday life. If you live in a metropolis, then add to this the insanely long movements from home to work and back, after which there is only one desire - to go to bed and not wake up longer.

A student's life follows a different schedule. Studying, constant communication with peers, conferences, exhibitions, visits to other sites where you can meet many professionals in their field and get a lot of ideas. Since only a few students have families during their studies, it is worth noting that they are not mired in everyday life as deeply as their older colleagues.

Students are easy-going, they are less inherent in conservative views, they still have that childish thirst for life and curiosity for everything new and hitherto unknown.

3. It is profitable to employ a student

If you employ a full-time student, he will be able to devote at best four hours a day to work, that is, he will qualify for half the rate.

Even if you hire a part-time student or evening student, he will still have sessions, study meetings and other meetings, which sooner or later will begin to steal time from the working day.

These circumstances affect wages: a student cannot apply for a full-fledged salary, since he does not have the opportunity to work full-time.

4. Optional

  • If you create any product with young people as the main target audience, then a student on the state is a great opportunity to better understand your customers, their needs and lifestyle.
  • Having employed a student, you can safely add one more thing to your list of good deeds, because you will help the young man to get out of the vicious circle “I can’t find a job because I have no experience; I can’t get experience because they don’t take a job”.

Arguments against

1. Lack of practical experience

What was designated as a plus at the beginning of the article can also be viewed from a different angle as a minus. And we are talking here not only about the fact that it will be more difficult for the student to fulfill his immediate work duties. Everything will be new to him. For example, it will be difficult for him to take into account the fact that being late by 16 minutes, which at the university is enough to hush up with an ordinary apology and hastily invented excuse, at work can threaten disciplinary action.

2. High probability of failure to meet deadlines

Students are different. Someone - according to the classical version - studies and moonlights, and someone - works and learns. If you come across a classic student, for whom study is more important than work, then you probably cannot avoid missed deadlines and work tasks completed somehow.

3. Travel will be unlikely

The average employee perceives business trips as a kind of vacation: you can change the situation, see the world, and take a break from the usual routine. For a student, everything is not so rosy, especially if you want to send him on a business trip during school hours: this is both missing classes, and inevitable problems with teachers and academic performance.

We examined the pros and cons of a student in the state, but the choice, of course, is always yours. When making a decision, you need to take into account the specifics of your organization. Does the employee need to be present at the workplace eight hours a day, or is it possible to work on a relatively free schedule? How often do you need to go on business trips and various meetings outside the office? Etc.
