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5 reasons to swing abs while standing
5 reasons to swing abs while standing

If you are doing abs while lying on the mat, we recommend that you reconsider your training approach. Artyom Mikhaylin in his guest article explains why standing exercises can give you much more than simple twists and body lifts.

5 reasons to swing abs while standing
5 reasons to swing abs while standing

Most people are used to associating abs workouts with endless crunches, recumbent leg raises, and twists. But what if there is a way to train those muscles more efficiently without lying on the mat at all? Of course, lying on the rug after a hard workout is very pleasant, but this is not why you came to the gym, is it? You need a result, and getting it takes a little sweat.

Regular exercises will not be a good helper for you, with the exception of the plank. Complex multi-joint exercises (involving multiple joints, working out several muscle groups) and hanging exercises (for example, raising the knees to the chest without lumbar support) may be the best solution, and here's why.

1. Correct functioning of the abdominal muscles

Sometimes we forget what role this or that muscle plays in our body, and because of this we make mistakes. The primary function of the abdominal muscles is, of course, to stabilize the body. Therefore, crunching will not make the abs noticeably stronger and will not increase its strength.

But exercises in which the press actively stabilizes the body (squats, deadlifts, lifting the bar over the head, "skier" and others) are capable of this. Any complex movement begins with the contraction of the core muscles (stabilizing muscles). Only after they are involved in the work, the effort is transmitted through the arms and legs to the barbell or dumbbells. Such inclusions are the most natural for the press and contribute to its best development.

2. No back problems

Increasingly, research is reporting that crunches and any other abdominal exercises with an isolated lower back can lead to back problems. Stuart McGill, professor of spinal biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada, writes about this in his work. Such exercises lead to a sharp increase in the compression load on the intervertebral discs, as a result, osteochondrosis and even an intervertebral hernia may develop. However, exercises in hanging or standing are devoid of this drawback.

3. Development of the hidden part of the press

Standing or hanging ab exercises, as well as multi-joint complex exercises that involve the most muscles, have a better effect than almost any lying exercise. They work out not only the visible parts of the press, but also those that are hidden deeper. But it is the inner part of the press that is most important.

4. Burning fat

In most cases, the abs are not visible due to the fatty layer that hides it. Complex exercises burn fat much better than exercises in a lying position, which have almost no effect due to low energy consumption.

5. Working out other muscles

Performing complex exercises, you will give a load not only to the press, which does not really need a significant separate study, but also to many other muscles. For example, squats and deadlifts engage all core and leg muscles, while lifting the bar over your head engages your core and shoulder muscles.


So, if you want to pump up your abs, follow these tips:

  • Do multijoint exercises and be mindful of your abs.
  • Try replacing crunches with hanging knees up to your chest, and then move on to right-angle leg raises and the bar.
  • Watch your diet. For gaining a beautiful press, this is perhaps even more important than training.
