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Workout of the day: complex with dumbbells for beautiful buttocks
Workout of the day: complex with dumbbells for beautiful buttocks

Warm-up movements activate the muscles, and heavy strength exercises will properly pump them.

Workout of the day: complex with dumbbells for beautiful buttocks
Workout of the day: complex with dumbbells for beautiful buttocks

Before pumping the buttocks, it would be nice to "activate" them - during the warm-up process, remind the body that it can generally contract the muscle fibers on which you have been sitting for so long.

The complex begins with four simple exercises to warm up the hips and buttocks, followed by a series of heavy strength elements with dumbbells to work out these zones.

How to do muscle activation exercises

Each of them is performed in two sets of 12 repetitions. If the exercise is one-sided, do 12 times on each leg.

To save time, you can warm up in a circular workout format: first, do all the movements in a row in one approach, then rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat from the beginning.

Pulse squats

Do two pulsations in each squat. Make sure that your back remains level and that your heels do not come off the floor.

Reverse lunges

If you lose your balance, you can do assisted lunges like in the video.

Abduction of the hip back

Holding on to the back of a chair or a wall, tilt your body with a straight back and take your leg back, each time squeezing your buttocks additionally.

Abduction of the hip to the side

Holding on to the support, swing your hip to the side to the edge of your range. Move smoothly and under control, tighten your glutes.

How to make muscle pumping movements

In this workout, you will encounter both individual exercises that need to be performed a given number of times with rest between sets, and supersets. These are paired exercises that you do in a row without interruption, then take a breath for 60-90 seconds and repeat again.

Goblet squats and deadlifts on straight legs

In the goblet squat, hold a dumbbell in front of your chest and keep your lower back in a neutral position and your upper back not crooked.

In the deadlift, pull your pelvis back and continue to watch your back - it should be straight.

Perform each exercise 12 times. Repeat the superset twice.

Dumbbell Glute Bridge

Lie on your back, place a dumbbell on your hips and support it with your hands.

Raise your pelvis, squeeze your buttocks at the top and lower yourself to the starting position. Do three sets of 20 reps.

Sumo deadlift and leg back on all fours

For the sumo deadlift, place your feet one and a half times wider than your shoulders and turn your toes outward. Sinking down, take your pelvis back, direct your knees to the sides and make sure that your back is straight.

While abducting your legs on all fours, squeeze your buttocks at the extreme point - this will help to pump them even better.

Dumbbell Split Squat

Put your foot on a low support, pick up dumbbells and do squats on one leg. Make sure that the knee of the supporting limb at the lowest point is located above the foot, and during lifting it does not turn inward.

Do not block your knee after straightening - leave it slightly bent and squeeze your buttocks tightly.

Do four sets of 12 reps on each leg.

If split squats are not yet given to you, skip them and move on to the next exercise.

Back lunges with dumbbells

From a standing position with dumbbells in hand, lunge back almost until the knee touches the floor. Make sure that your back remains straight, slightly tilt your body forward. Return to starting position and repeat again.

If you find it difficult to maintain your balance, try doing lunges without dumbbells or with support on the back of a chair, as at the beginning of your warm-up.

Do three sets of 12 reps on each leg.
