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6 best elastic band exercises for beautiful buttocks
6 best elastic band exercises for beautiful buttocks

Short home workouts for a firm and toned butt.

6 best elastic band exercises for beautiful buttocks
6 best elastic band exercises for beautiful buttocks

The thicker the gluteus maximus muscles, the more toned and attractive the butt looks. Therefore, the main goal of those who want a "nut" is how to load the buttocks so that the muscles grow and increase in size. For this purpose, we suggest doing six simple but very effective exercises with a fitness elastic band.

What kind of fitness rubber bands you need for exercise

Fitness rubbers are elastic latex workout bands in the shape of a ring. They provide additional resistance to the muscles and can also be called resistance bands, belt machines, or loops.

Fitness elastic bands vary in length: there are short mini bands with a total length of 60 cm, and longer models up to 200 cm.

Exercises with elastic bands for the buttocks: a set of mini elastic bands
Exercises with elastic bands for the buttocks: a set of mini elastic bands

If you plan to train only the buttocks, you can limit yourself to mini-elastic bands. If, in the future, you want to load other muscle groups, then you should buy long ones.

The range of exercises with such resistance bands is much wider: with them you can do push-ups and pull-ups, do presses, spreading and deadlifts, and also use them as mini-elastic bands, simply tying a knot in the middle.

Exercises with an elastic band for the buttocks: a set of long elastic bands
Exercises with an elastic band for the buttocks: a set of long elastic bands

Also consider the resistance of the belt trainer. Typically, the characteristics indicate the load that you will receive by training with a particular model. This parameter can be specified in kilograms or pounds and is designated as "elasticity", "maximum load", pulling force.

Elastic bands with a load of about 9-15 kg are suitable for training the gluteal muscles. You can buy one, but keep in mind that the load should increase over time, so you will either have to do more reps or buy a resistance expander.

Therefore, it is still better to immediately purchase a set of several rubber bands. So you can more accurately regulate the load and train not only the buttocks, but also other parts of the body.

How and how much to do

To evenly pump all the fibers of the gluteal muscles, choose three exercises for one workout, and do the rest the next. Rotate them every activity.

Adjust the elasticity of the elastic and the number of times so that the last repetitions in the set are heavy. Ideally, it should be done 8-12 times per set. But if your expander isn't firm enough to fatigue in that many reps, do more.

Start with three sets and gradually work your way up to five. Rest 2-3 minutes between them. Also, don't forget about recovery. Train every other day (3-4 times a week).

What exercises with elastic bands for the buttocks to do

Standing hip extension

Slip the elastic around your ankles, stand next to a stable support to adhere to as you move, and take your straight leg back.

If you have a long belt trainer, hook it onto a stable support just off the floor. Turn to face the support and put the loop over your leg. While holding on, take your leg back.

Standing leg abduction

Slip a small elastic around your ankles, turn sideways to the support and hold onto it with one hand. Overcoming the resistance of the expander, take your leg to the side and return it back.

If you have a long elastic band, hook it to a stable elevation not high from the floor, turn sideways and take your leg to the side.

Glute bridge with elastic band

Lie on the floor on your back, place the mini-band on your hips just above your knees. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, spread your knees to the sides, stretching the elastic - this is the starting position.

Straining your glutes, lift your pelvis as high as possible, then lower it back and repeat. In the process, keep your knees apart.

Move slowly and under control. At the top of the exercise, squeeze the buttocks additionally to load them better. Do not flop back to the floor, but lower yourself while maintaining tension.

If you have a long expander, you can tie a knot in the middle and perform the movement like a mini elastic band.

Traction of the expander between the legs

This exercise can only be done with a long elastic band. Hook the expander onto a stable support and stand with your back to it so that the belt trainer is located between your legs.

While holding the elastic in your hands, take a few steps forward so that it stretches. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and bend forward with your back straight - this is the starting position.

Straining the buttocks, straighten the body until the hip joints are fully extended, then return to the starting position and repeat.

Raising your legs while lying on your stomach

Put on the mini ankle band and lie on the floor on your stomach. Overcoming the resistance of the elastic, lift your straight leg back and lower it back. Perform the approach first with one leg and then with the other.

If you have a long expander, tie a knot in the middle to form a mini elastic band.

Hip extension on all fours

Get on all fours, press one end of the expander with your hands, and hook the other on the foot. Raise the leg bent at the knee to the parallel of the thigh with the floor - this is the starting position. Overcoming the resistance of the elastic band, lift your leg up and lower it back.

If you have a mini elastic band, throw it over the middle of your thighs and do the same exercise.

If your muscles do not hurt for the next 24 to 36 hours after the first session, it is likely that the workout was too light. Take a high resistance elastic, increase the number of sets and reps.

After about two weeks of training, start increasing the resistance of the expander or the number of repetitions. Make sure that the load grows in line with your capabilities. If all reps in a set were easy, it was a bad set.

And don't forget about food. If the body lacks protein and carbohydrates, no amount of exercise will add centimeters in your hips. If there are too many calories, as well as excess fat, it will take more than one month before the inflated gluteal muscles change the shape of the priests and provide a toned appearance.
