How to make the Gimp look like Photoshop
How to make the Gimp look like Photoshop

With the help of this article, you will be able to turn the look of the free graphics editor Gimp into Photoshop.

How to make the Gimp look like Photoshop
How to make the Gimp look like Photoshop

When the conversation turns to software for free operating systems, many users complain not even about the lack of functionality they need, but simply about the unfamiliarity of the available programs. Everything seems to work as it should, but the buttons look different and the menus are located in the wrong places - in general, it is impossible to work:)

More recently, we introduced you to a good office tool that looks almost the same as your beloved Microsoft Office. And today we want to encroach on Adobe Photoshop - the "holy grail" of all designers - and make a copy of it from the free graphics editor Gimp.

Gimp is by far the most powerful image manipulation tool in the Linux environment. Yes, its capabilities are still somewhat inferior to their main competitor. But, nevertheless, most of the common editing and graphics creation can be done in the Gimp as well as in Photoshop. In addition, the use of this program is free and completely legal.


Many users who have tried Gimp in the past have been intimidated by its unusual multi-window interface. In the latest versions of the program, an option has appeared in the settings, with the help of which its interface takes on a completely familiar and understandable single-window look. And with a little life hack, we can make it look even more like Photoshop.

This preset contains tool icons, familiar keyboard shortcuts, customized panels, and even a background color designed to match your familiar work environment. The tweak is designed for use with Gimp 2.8, but if you've already upgraded to 2.9, it's okay, it will work too.

1. Archive GIMP Photosop Tweaks from DeviantArt and place it in your home folder.

2. Make a backup copy of the current GIMP configuration (first close the program!):

for GIMP 2.8:

mv ~ /.gimp-2.8 ~ /.gimp-2.8.old

for GIMP 2.9+:

mv ~ /.config / GIMP / 2.9 ~ /.config / GIMP / 2.9.old

3. Install GIMP Photoshop Tweaks:

for GIMP 2.8: just unzip the downloaded archive in your home folder (it contains a hidden.gimp-2.8 folder with everything you need);

for GIMP 2.9: you will have to manually move the folder from the archive to ~ /.config / GIMP /, and then rename it to 2.9. Thus, the configuration of your graphical editor should be placed at ~ /.config / GIMP / 2.9. We remind you that to carry out these operations, you need to enable the display of hidden files in the file manager.


Well, is that better now?
