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Why you sometimes need to stay in your comfort zone
Why you sometimes need to stay in your comfort zone

Leaving your comfort zone is not always helpful. There are several reasons why it is sometimes worth staying in your usual place.

Why you sometimes need to stay in your comfort zone
Why you sometimes need to stay in your comfort zone

You will constantly step over yourself

It takes energy, determination, and mindfulness to be successful. If you are torn between many opportunities, your efforts will not bring the desired result.

Combine new tasks with what you already know well. Manage your time and energy wisely. If you feel comfortable, you can reach your goal faster.

You will waste a lot of time

Most people have a busy personal life outside of work. Think before taking on new job responsibilities. After all, this will take a lot of time and energy from you that you could devote to your loved ones.

If you are expecting a replenishment in the family, have planned renovations, or are caring for a sick relative, you should wait a little while leaving your comfort zone. It will be wiser that way.

You are unlikely to be able to cope with absolutely all tasks

Some find it painless and effective to leave their comfort zone, some don't. And someone is balancing in the middle. Determine which group of people you belong to and what you can handle.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. But you need to know your strengths and weaknesses and calculate your strengths in advance.
