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8 things to do before eight in the morning
8 things to do before eight in the morning

Organize your morning well to get the day right.

8 things to do before eight in the morning
8 things to do before eight in the morning

Entrepreneur and blogger Benjamin Hardy shared how to plan your early morning hours so you can spend every day meaningfully.

1. Prepare in the evening

Don't engage in stressful activities. In stressful situations, the hormone cortisol is released, which will keep you awake. Instead, do something relaxing and remember these simple rules:

  • Avoid using gadgets at least an hour before bed.
  • Put your phone in flight mode.
  • Try not to think about work. Decisions often come to mind when you are relaxed.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Create a suitable sleeping environment.

2. Sleep more than seven hours

“Treat yourself like your smartphone: sleep until you are fully charged,” advises Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post.

When we get enough sleep, getting enough sleep improves memory, resourcefulness, and alertness, decreases inflammation, stress and the risk of depression, and increases life expectancy, according to research from the American National Sleep Foundation.

If you get enough sleep and take care of your body, you won't need caffeine and other stimulants. For the most part, we use them because of the work schedule from 8 to 17 hours, constant lack of sleep and dependence on technology.

3. Wake up when you promised yourself

As the American thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson said, self-confidence is the main secret of success. And self-confidence arises when you do what you promise yourself.

The first promise in the morning - to get up or not at the planned time - will direct the whole day in a positive or negative direction.

4. Change the scene immediately

Go outside, or at least leave the bedroom and into another room. So you cheer up. A simple change of scenery is energizing because our brain loves everything new.

5. Meditate and write down your goals

Morning is the perfect time to ponder your desired future. During this time, your brain is in the mood for creativity. Do some meditation and then visualize your goals. Turn on your imagination and imagine how you want to see your life.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world.

Albert Einstein

When visualizing and writing down your goals, do so with feeling. Imagine that your dreams have already come true. Try this feeling on yourself. It will help you do things differently so that the future is different from the past.

Write down your goals and the deadline for achieving them, as well as the price to be paid for them. As billionaire Harold Hunt said, it takes two things to be successful. First, decide what exactly you want. Most people never do this. Second, determine the price you will have to pay, and then be determined to do so.

6. Go in for sports and listen to something useful

Exercise or just walk. In doing so, include audiobooks, podcasts, or inspirational music. Movement will invigorate you, your brain will work better.

7. Eat Brain-Healthy Foods

  • Nuts and seeds. They are high in vitamin E, and it supports cognitive performance.
  • Avocado. Contains monounsaturated fatty acids that improve blood circulation. Plus, avocado helps lower blood pressure, which is also beneficial for brain health.
  • Beet. It contains antioxidants that protect against cancer, and nitrates improve cerebral circulation.
  • Blueberry. It contains a lot of antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fiber. Thanks to their high gallic acid content, blueberries protect the brain from stress and breakdown.
  • Bone broth. This is the best dish for normalizing the intestines. Collagen contained in large quantities relieves inflammation, and useful amino acids support immunity and improve memory.
  • Coconut oil. Suppresses inflammation, supports memory and fights harmful bacteria in the intestines.
  • Turmeric. Improves cerebral oxygen consumption. You will think clearly and process information better.

8. Do an important job or a difficult task

As Mark Twain said, if you eat a live frog in the morning, nothing worse will happen to you during the day. Do the hard thing while everyone else is rubbing their eyes.

If you want to be successful, do something about it. Success, like wealth, cannot be earned - it must be created. Get creative and get started.
