Should I like the post about death?
Should I like the post about death?

How to express grief and sympathy online.

Should I like the post about death?
Should I like the post about death?

In a new weekly column, Olga Lukinova, an expert on digital etiquette, answers pressing questions related to communication on the Internet. Do not skip it if you actively use social networks and instant messengers, or just occasionally send business letters. And ask your questions in the comments!

Mournful posts often appear on social networks. It is not clear how to react to them correctly. There are still variations on Facebook, but even the “I feel sorry” emoticon is not always appropriate, in my opinion. For example, a famous person has passed away, and an outsider writes. "I sympathize" - something is not right. In Instagram, in general, only a heart can be put. How to react correctly? Write in R. I. P. comments?


78% of respondents on the Digital Etiquette channel consider the Poll on the Digital Etiquette channel as an expression of a positive reaction - inappropriate in relation to the post about death. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is really better to refrain from liking in sad posts.

The Internet has not yet developed an established mourning etiquette, but there are already many ways in which we can express empathy: people change their avatars, put candles on the photo cover. During mass tragedies, social networks offer filters that allow you to update the profile picture in one click, people write farewell posts on the deceased's page, post in their account, write comments under other people's posts. How to proceed - the person himself chooses. There are no rigid norms.

But in general, we are not obliged to express a reaction in social networks to everything that we see. Therefore, you can simply sympathize with some sad news.
