"Like" or "like"? We tell you how to do it right
"Like" or "like"? We tell you how to do it right

The rule is pretty simple.

"Like" or "like"? We tell you how to do it right
"Like" or "like"? We tell you how to do it right

Do you need a comma before "how" in the sentence "He read authors (,) like Kafka, Proust, Joyce"?

If in the main part of the sentence there is an index word "such", phrases with "how" are separated by commas.

  • He read authors such as Kafka, Proust, Joyce.
  • Writers like Pushkin could afford stylistic liberties.
  • I always liked people like you.

However, if the words “such as” appear after the generalizing word before homogeneous members, then a comma is needed before “such”, but before “how” it is not.

  • He likes to read modernists like Kafka, Proust, Joyce.
  • She wanted to visit European capitals such as Paris, Rome, Berlin.

Please note: you do not need a colon either after a generalizing word or after "such as".

Also, a comma is placed before the word "such" and is not needed before "how" if the words "such as" refer to the adjective that comes before them.

  • His dreams are pretty naive, like those of a child.
  • The days were gray and rainy, such as late autumn.
