Table of contents:

Can I use my driver's license as proof of identity?
Can I use my driver's license as proof of identity?

In short - no, but you can buy alcohol with them.

Can I use my driver's license as proof of identity?
Can I use my driver's license as proof of identity?

At first glance, it seems that you can show a driver's license instead of a passport. It contains all important information: name, date and place of birth, photo, signature. The document is issued by a government agency, has a series, number and validity period, by which you can check its validity. It would seem what else is needed.

However, a driver's license lacks the status of an identity card. And while this is so, they cannot replace their passport.

Why a driver's license is not an ID

Bodies and departments are guided by regulations. They regulate what exactly you can show them.

Identity documents are:

  • RF passport.
  • A serviceman's identity card or military ID is relevant when a person is doing military service.
  • Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is issued while the passport is being issued.
  • Birth certificate - for citizens up to 14 years old.
  • A certificate issued to those released from places of confinement before receiving a passport.
  • International passport, as well as diplomatic and service passports. These documents certify the identity of citizens outside the Russian Federation. But they also work within the country, for example, during referendums or to buy a train ticket.

When a driver's license can be an ID

Sometimes in discussions about the status of a driver's license, reference is made to a decision of the Supreme Court. It says that this document "contains all the necessary details to verify the identity of a citizen." But we are talking about a particular situation.

If an inspector stops you on the road, it is enough to show him only a driver's license. There is enough information in them to understand that they belong to you. You don't need to show your passport either.

But if you drive with a temporary driver's license, this no longer works. The inspector will require a passport and will be right - this is also stated in the court's decision.

Is it possible to show a driver's license to buy alcohol and cigarettes

Although a driver's license is not an identity card, you can establish age with their help. Therefore, the cashier must sell you alcohol or cigarettes if you show your ID.

If you are refused, refer to the following acts:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2014 No. 215n. He fixes the list of documents for proof of age. The driver's license is listed there at number 13.
  • Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2017 No. 1728. Everything is the same here, the rights are under number 13.
