Being Alone is the Most Important Skill We Have Lost
Being Alone is the Most Important Skill We Have Lost

Progress has given us a lot, but it has deprived us of an important opportunity to look inside ourselves.

Being Alone is the Most Important Skill We Have Lost
Being Alone is the Most Important Skill We Have Lost

Scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal once said: "All the problems of humanity stem from the inability to sit quietly alone." We are afraid of silence and boredom. To escape them and our emotions, we are constantly looking for entertainment. We do not know how to be alone with ourselves. The blogger and founder of the educational project Design Luck Zat Rana told about why this is happening and what to do about it.

Pascal's statement is especially relevant today. If one can describe the progress of technology over the past 100 years in one word, it will be the word “connectedness”. Telephone, radio, television and the Internet have brought us closer to other people.

We live in a world where we feel connected with everyone except ourselves.

Almost everyone thinks that they know themselves well: their feelings, desires and problems. In fact, this is not at all the case. We are increasingly moving away from ourselves. The more uncomfortable you are alone, the more likely you are to know yourself badly. You can isolate yourself from discomfort by finding entertainment for yourself. But this discomfort will still not go anywhere. But in the process, dependence on technology will develop.

Our dislike for loneliness is actually our dislike for boredom.

We do not become addicted to television because it is surprisingly enjoyable to watch. Rather, we are addicted to the absence of boredom. We cannot imagine what it is like to just be and do nothing. Therefore, we are looking for entertainment and society, and if they do not help - something more extreme.

As a result, we feel anxious and lonely despite our close connection with the world around us. Fortunately, there is a way out. The only way to deal with fear is to face it. So let boredom take over. Then you will finally hear your thoughts and understand what is going on in your head.

You will find that being on your own is not so bad. Boredom can be inspiring too. You get to know yourself better. See things as they are. Learn to pay attention to what you usually don't notice.

Embrace boredom to take a fresh look at things and resolve internal conflicts.

Of course, in loneliness, thoughts sometimes turn in an unpleasant direction. Especially when you are thinking about your feelings, doubts and hopes. And yet it is more useful than unconsciously avoiding such thoughts.

Without understanding oneself, there will be no foundation on which the rest of life is built. Being alone with yourself may not solve all problems, but it can get you started.
