Which is more profitable: a taxi or a private car
Which is more profitable: a taxi or a private car

Apartment, car in the garage, bank account. These are all commonly referred to as signs of a successful person. But is it really profitable to have a private car? Let's ask math and common sense to help us choose between a taxi and a private car.

Which is more profitable: a taxi or a private car
Which is more profitable: a taxi or a private car

Usage scenario

Initially, it is worth understanding how you use or are going to use the car. The average person uses private or public transport to get to work in the morning and return home in the evening.

Another use of a car is a long-distance trip to visit relatives, friends, or just a tourist trip to some city or place.

Based on this, we will not consider in this article those cases when a person has to use a car all day for work.

Alternative to the car

An alternative to a private car can be public transport, a friend or acquaintance with his car and taxi. Let's consider each of these options in more detail.

Most of our readers do not live in Europe. This means that public transport in our countries leaves much to be desired. There is no working timetable, when the right bus should arrive, the constant crush, dirt and rudeness. But a big plus is the fare. In Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR, the fare is 10 times lower than, for example, in Germany.

A friend with his car is a great option. But only if you are on the road and your schedules coincide. If you do not have such a friend, then at your service there are many services that allow you to find a travel companion that suits you for a reasonable fee. Sometimes it's even free if the car owner is looking for a company with which it will be more fun to get to work. In any case, the fare is less than the cost of a taxi, but more expensive than public transport.

And the last option is Taxi … In terms of comfort, it is comparable to the option of a fellow traveler, but at a price it significantly exceeds it. Sometimes even two or three times. Fortunately, there is competition, and taxi prices are lower than they could have been.

Let's calculate the costs

How much does it cost to own a car? On average, 9 liters of fuel per 100 km. There is also a moment of car depreciation. The calculation of depreciation is a very controversial point, but if you are calculating not for the company, but for yourself, then it is customary to double the cost of fuel.

Russians will have to pay 300 rubles for 9 liters of fuel, Ukrainians - 200 hryvnias. Total expenses without force majeure situations, taking into account depreciation, are equal to 600 rubles and 400 hryvnia per 100 km for Russia and Ukraine, respectively.

How much does a taxi cost? From Red Square to Mytishchi (distance - 30 km) you can leave for about 500 rubles. That is, it will come out about three times more expensive than if we used a private car. In Kiev, for 25 km, you will have to pay about 110 hryvnia, which is approximately equal to the cost of using a personal car.

Public transport and the travel companion option may not be considered due to the clearly lower fares.

What everyone forgets about

So far, it turns out that having a car in Russia is 100% more profitable than using a taxi for travel. As for Ukraine, the costs will be about the same. But everyone forgets about the extra car costs and the hidden problems of vehicle ownership:

  1. You need to think about parking. Residents of megalopolises know firsthand that parking a car in a city is a big and often insoluble problem. Plus, you often need to pay for a parking space. And a lot of money: in Moscow, the average cost of parking per hour is 40 rubles.
  2. You need to think about where to park your car at night. Not all of us have a personal garage or parking where we can leave our car and not worry that it will be spoiled or stolen. And even for parking you have to pay.
  3. The car tends to break down. At any time, you can catch a hole in the road, and you will have to pay a rather large sum, for example, for a new disc. And it will be one of the cheapest repairs for your car. It could be much worse. Your fuel system, suspension, or even your engine may go off.


If you need a car solely to get to and from work, then you should think 10 times whether it is worth buying. Car ownership is a very expensive endeavor and also a big headache. For long journeys, you can use buses, trains, planes and other vehicles. As a last resort, you can rent a car.

The good development of taxi services and healthy competition have created very favorable conditions for those who can afford a car, but know how to count money.

Using a taxi means minus high costs, minus worries about parking, minus wasted nerves due to traffic jams and various traffic situations.

There is also a psychological aspect here. After all, if you need to get to a nearby metro station, then you most likely will not call a taxi, but use public transport. Or go on foot altogether, which will have a beneficial effect on your health.

Do you still want to buy a car?
