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5 lingerie questions you were embarrassed to ask
5 lingerie questions you were embarrassed to ask

Is it possible to wear yesterday's underpants and what will happen, if at all to refuse them.

5 lingerie questions you were embarrassed to ask
5 lingerie questions you were embarrassed to ask

UPD. Updated on 04 August 2019 with more scientific evidence from verified sources.

By 2021, the turnover of the global lingerie industry will approach $ 150 billion. But we are just talking about tiny pieces of fabric, which, moreover, are hidden from prying eyes most of the time. The topic of lingerie has always been very exciting and still raises many questions. We have found answers to the most popular ones.

1. Is it possible not to change underpants for several days in a row?

By the way, 28% of men do just that. And in vain. Moisture is a favorable environment for bacteria to grow. Sweat and traces of physiological secretions - even more so. And where there are bacteria, there is an infection of the genital and urinary tract. Or dermatitis - especially if there is damage to the skin: scratches, microcracks, irritation after depilation.

The skin is home to many microorganisms - bacteria, fungi and even mites. Most of them live with us in symbiosis and take part in the natural metabolism. But among them there are opportunistic microorganisms that can cause inflammation if they get on mucous or damaged skin. Or if a person has reduced immunity.

Stale laundry is an additional source of bacteria and the risk of inflammation, itching, irritation and prickly heat.

2. Is the type of fabric important?

This question primarily worries women: men's underwear does not differ in such a variety of materials and textures.

It is best to opt for thin, breathable fabrics and avoid models that are too tight to the skin. Underwear made of synthetic materials increases the risk of developing genital candidiasis (thrush) in women. And in men, it can become a source of itching and irritation in the groin area.

This is because synthetic fabrics are almost impermeable to air and do not absorb moisture. A warm and humid environment is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

3. Can I train in a thong?

Sales of women's thongs are steadily falling, but the popularity of more comfortable models of underwear - slip-ons, boxers and “grandmother's” high-waisted panties is growing.

And this is no coincidence. Thongs can chafe the skin of the perineum and cause irritation, which can then turn into inflammation and cause a lot of discomfort. This is all the more important for playing sports - a person moves more actively, and the linen rubs against the skin more intensely. But if you are comfortable in a thong, no one forbids you to wear them even in everyday life, even for training.

4. Which is better: boxers or swimming trunks?

A very exciting question: how does underwear affect men's health? In order to efficiently produce sperm, the testicles need a temperature of about 34.4 ° C. That is why they descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity, where the temperature is a couple of degrees higher.

Tight and dense underwear that does not allow air to pass through can cause a rise in temperature in the groin area. This, in turn, reduces sperm production.

5. Can I walk without panties?

Can. Lack of underwear - prevention of skin and genitourinary infections, irritations, dermatitis, prickly heat and itching. In addition, this "airing" increases sperm production in men. But in those moments when you go without underwear, it is necessary that the clothes that come into contact with the skin in the groin area are clean and loose.
