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Is it possible to eat ice cream with sore throat
Is it possible to eat ice cream with sore throat

A cold dessert will certainly not cure a sore throat, but it can ease your suffering.

Is it possible to eat ice cream with sore throat
Is it possible to eat ice cream with sore throat

What do the doctor's say

Experts believe that you should not give up ice cream because of sore throat. For example, James M. Steckelberg, a professor at Mayo Medical School, writes: "In fact, frozen dairy can soothe a sore throat and give you the calories you lose by not eating solid foods because of the unpleasant sensations."

The Mayo Clinic also advises people with sore throats not to avoid cold foods: “Try soothing foods and drinks. Warm liquids (broth, decaffeinated tea, or warm water with honey) and cold desserts like popsicles can relieve sore throat."

However, some types of ice cream can be unpleasant. Journalist and former military nurse Julie Hampton notes that very sweet or sour desserts, as well as ice cream with nuts, cookies, chocolate, caramel chips, irritate and injure the mucous membrane. If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk, choose popsicles or other chilled desserts based on non-acidic fruits and juices.

The well-known children's doctor, candidate of medical sciences Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky also spoke in favor of the cold one:

Yes, damn it! With angina, you can drink cold compote and eat ice cream, as with any other painful lesions of the oropharynx, if it brings real relief!

Doctor Komarovsky


Ice cream or a cold fruit dessert can theoretically be beneficial for angina because:

  • They will provide you with extra energy and nutrients.
  • Milk fats will soften dry-prone mucous membranes.
  • Local cooling will reduce pain and inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils.
  • Pleasure and good mood will add moral strength in the fight against illness.

Even a healthy person should not abuse ice cream. But if you eat a little of it (no more than 150 g), choose a natural composition and avoid desserts that irritate the mucous membrane, then it can bring relief.

To dispel all doubts, consult with your doctor, because it is he who is responsible for the success of treatment and has the right to prohibit you from eating certain foods when your recovery depends on it.
