What to do with a sunburn?
What to do with a sunburn?

Here are some proven ways to help your skin.

What to do with a sunburn?
What to do with a sunburn?

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What to do with a sunburn?


Previously, Lifehacker came out on this topic. Effective first aid for sunburn comes down to four points.

  1. Cool your skin. Move as soon as possible out of direct sunlight into the shade, or better, into a cool room. After 5-10 minutes, apply a towel soaked in cold fresh water to the affected areas or take a cool bath or shower.
  2. Moisturize your skin. After getting out of the bath or removing a cool compress, pat your skin dry with a soft, dry towel, but leave it slightly damp. Then apply moisturizer in gentle strokes. For example, aloe gel or calamine lotion.
  3. Relieve pain and inflammation. Take an acetaminophen or ibuprofen pain reliever. To enhance the effect, you can apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to your skin.
  4. Wait. While the skin is recovering, do not go out in the sun. Do not pierce blisters if they appear. And if the bubble burst on its own, wash the place where it was with soapy water, apply an antiseptic and cover the wound with a gauze bandage.

You can read more details about each item at the link above. There you will also find a list of what in no case should you do with a sunburn.
