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8 scientifically proven natural nootropics
8 scientifically proven natural nootropics

Many argue that nootropics, that is, substances that stimulate mental activity, are pharmacological pacifiers, and their supposed effectiveness is not supported by anything. However, there are many natural nootropics that have been scientifically proven to be beneficial.

8 scientifically proven natural nootropics
8 scientifically proven natural nootropics

1. Caffeine

Coffee and tea are the most popular nootropics. At the same time, a lot of the most conflicting data can be found about the dangers and benefits of caffeine.

Nootropic effect

There is no doubt about one fact: caffeine has a stimulating effect on the psyche.

The effect of caffeine appears within a few minutes after ingestion and lasts from 20 minutes to several hours. A person feels a surge of cheerfulness, mental performance increases, concentration increases. These are proven effects, and if someone claims that they did not feel anything after one cup of the drink, then they should increase the dosage. This is especially true for tea, which has a significantly lower caffeine content than coffee.

After the end of the caffeine effect, a "hangover" occurs: the energy surge is compensated by the loss of strength. Drinking coffee is at your own peril and risk. What is more - harm or benefit - regular use of caffeine brings, no one can say for sure. Rather, maybe, but there will also be someone who will speak out with full confidence in defense of the opposite point of view.

One way or another, direct and rapid intervention in the functioning of the hormonal system is the principle of action of most drugs.

Regular coffee consumption even develops intolerance in the body to amphetamine, one of the most difficult drugs, as was shown in one study, Caffeine reduces amphetamine-induced activity in asymmetrical interaction. …

2. Glycine

Glycine is well known as the safest and most common nootropic. It is a simple amino acid that we get from food, and medical research confirms its effectiveness.

Nootropic effect

Scientifically proven by GABA and Glycine. that glycine, entering the brain, provokes a surge of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Thus, glycine has a slowing effect on the central nervous system. Many do not feel an instant effect due to small pharmaceutical dosages. However, if you take more than one pill at a time, but a dozen at once, then in half an hour you will feel relaxation, inhibition of movements and a desire to sleep. You should not be afraid to do an experiment in order to satisfy curiosity: glycine is absolutely safe even in large doses.

Glycine also activates NMDA receptor activity Beneficial effects of glycine (bioglycin) on memory and attention in young and middle-aged adults. which are responsible for memory. Thus, in addition to its sedative effect, glycine has a positive effect on mental performance. Especially in the long run.


3. Taurine

Taurine is well known to all lovers of energy drinks. But you can get it not only from soda: the substance is found in all living organisms.

Nootropic effect

Taurine acts on the central nervous system in an inhibitory manner, therefore, if you feel a surge of strength from a drunk energy drink, then the caffeine contained in it is to blame. The positive effects of taurine lie in its ability to activate cell development in the hippocampus, which largely determines our cognitive abilities, especially memory. At least taurine makes mice grow wiser. Taurine increases hippocampal neurogenesis in aging mice. …

4. Gotu kola

Gotu Kola, or Asiatic Centella, is a plant common in tropical countries. It contains substances that stimulate the release of acetylcholine, which regulates the rate of signal transmission in synaptic nodes. It is difficult to find this plant in our climatic zone, but you can get an extract of Centella asiatica in pharmacies.

Nootropic effect

In the East, it is believed that long-term use of Asiatic Centella improves memory and mental abilities. There is a scientific basis for this by Pharmacological Review on Centella asiatica: A Potential Herbal Cure-all. … You may experience a relaxing, sedative effect immediately after taking.

5. Ginkgo biloba

One of the most tenacious plants in the world: it is resistant to diseases and parasites, easily tolerates cold and does well in poor soils. Ginkgo grows in China.

Nootropic effect

The nootropic effect of the recommended doses of ginkgo is mostly normalizing. That is, if a person had problems with concentration, mood, performance before taking, then the effect will be noticeable. Ginkgo is used to prevent the development of dementia and in the treatment of other brain disorders. Ginkgo biloba: specificity of neuropsychological improvement-a selective review in search of differential effects. …

6. Rhodiola

Another oriental plant. Rhodiola has many beneficial properties: it normalizes blood pressure, heals the heart, and improves appetite. It also has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Nootropic effect

Scientists have come to the conclusion that rhodiola increases the endurance of the body as a whole, and also has a positive effect on mental abilities. The effectiveness and efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L.: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. … The effect will be noticeable if you feel tired at the time of taking Rhodiola.

Rhodiola also affects the production of serotonin. In case of its deficiency, the plant restores the amount of the hormone to normal values, but does not stimulate its excess production.


7. L-theanine

Another nootropic substance found in green tea besides caffeine. The reason why we do not feel a pronounced effect after drinking one cup is the low dosage. Concentrated L-theanine is available over the counter.

Nootropic effect

The condition of a person who has taken a sufficient dose of L-theanine is similar to that of meditation: he feels calm and peaceful, but at the same time his attention is not weakened.

L-theanine significantly increases alpha activity in the brain L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on

mental state.: This means that a person becomes more stress-resistant and calm. In this case, the sedative effect is not observed. In addition, L-theanine works great in conjunction with caffeine, mitigating its negative effects Time for tea: mood, blood pressure and cognitive performance effects of caffeine and theanine administered alone and together. …

8. Leuzea

Leuzea is the answer to everyone who is skeptical about nootropics. If you want to quickly experience a noticeable nootropic effect, then Leuzea is what you need. The tincture of the plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is completely harmless, and you will feel the effect immediately.

Nootropic effect

Leuzea is often used by athletes for its tonic effect. It has an exciting effect on the central nervous system, fatigue really relieves like a hand. Studies in rats Effects of extract from Rhapontcum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin (Leuzea) on learning and memory in rats., have shown that taking leuzea has a positive effect on intellectual abilities.
