What you should definitely not say in a job interview
What you should definitely not say in a job interview

We continue to find advice from HR and experienced “job seekers”. Here are some of the things Quora users think shouldn't be said in a job interview.

What you should definitely not say in a job interview
What you should definitely not say in a job interview

Six months ago, we shared the opinion of Eric Episkopo, creator of Resumegenius.com and an expert on resume writing, about what to and should not say in an interview. In a similar topic on Quora, you can also find many useful tips that will come in handy if you are still inexperienced in working interviews.

Don't mention that you are not interested in the job

“My startup went bankrupt, and now I need to make money somewhere,” is a bad answer to the question “Why are you here?”. Even a subtle hint that you are not interested in a job is a red light for an employer. Who needs an employee who comes to work just for the money?

Don't just focus on the financial side

Keep the line between questions about your future salary and other aspects. Of course, you need to know how much you will receive, but also do not forget to ask about responsibilities, job expectations, career opportunities.

People who discuss salary for the first 10 minutes and interrupt only to find out about the annual bonuses, most likely, will not be able to get a job.

Don't ask personal questions

If an employer or senior employee asks if you have more questions, only ask questions that are work-related. Do not need these "How much free time do you have?", "Do you have children?", "Where do you live?" and other things.

Sorry, I need to answer this call

Instant failure. The call can wait.

Don't throw mud at your former employer

Perhaps he was really an idiot, but throwing mud at him will only make yourself appear in a negative light. Your future employer will also someday become a former. And he understands this.

Don't over-praise yourself

Surely you will be asked a tricky question about your weaknesses. Should I answer it honestly or be more cunning and diplomatic? Rather, the first. Since most people start talking nonsense about working too hard, being too proactive, and so on. In the eyes of the employer, you become a narcissist.

“Can we do it faster? I have another interview soon."

These words show not only your poor ability to plan your time, but also that this work is not a priority for you.
