Table of contents:

What you should definitely not do if you want to pump your personal brand
What you should definitely not do if you want to pump your personal brand

You need to be able to properly present yourself and your business to the audience.

What you should definitely not do if you want to pump your personal brand
What you should definitely not do if you want to pump your personal brand

I am often asked the question, can an ordinary person create and pump their personal brand? From my own experience, yes! The main thing is not to confuse the creation of a brand with a banal window dressing. A brand is a sophisticated image that makes a profit in business. Personally, I feel my brand is like a second skin. It is fundamentally important for me how my professional activity will be perceived. Maybe for someone this is vanity, for me it is a necessary feedback.

The brand is not created for its own sake, it promotes real activities. There are many people who know how to do something well, but only “their own” know about it. Uncle Misha is a tinsmith, Aunt Sveta is a tutor, that guy from the floor above, who refills ink cartridges for the printer. These people run the risk of forever remaining in the dark if they make typical mistakes.

1. Be silent

Not everyone is given to be eloquent, but this is not a reason to remain silent about your case. You can come up with a capacious commercial proposal for ordinary people. In English, this is called elevator speech (literally "story for an elevator"). For example, “Svetlana Viktorovna, tutor with ten years of teaching experience. I prepare schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam”.

Your elevator speech must be skillfully integrated into communication with new people. Difficult only the first few times, then it will sound very natural. Have you ever thought about the fact that many surnames are derived from professions, for example Goncharov or Kovalev? In ancient times, a person was largely determined by the business in which he was engaged. And it is right!

2. To impose yourself

This is very often the sin of network marketing representatives. If a person has shown loyalty, they immediately strive to make a sale and upsell. The potential client has not left the first cycle of the transaction, but he is immediately offered the second and third. The fish breaks down, and the fisherman remains at the broken trough.

Private business does not develop when there is no natural movement of customers. Instead of aggressively pushing old options, concentrate on finding new ones. If the customers are your buddies, then the advice is doubly relevant. Someone really needs to be "squeezed", but this should not become a scheme. Have an inner flair.

3. Multiply emptiness

I'm talking about the prohibitive number of selfies, endless ads of the same type, thoughtless reposts, and so on. Social media is now set up in such a way that creators of meaningless content disappear from the feed very quickly. So think about the concept and make an original photo shoot. One good photo a day will be enough for people. If suddenly there is too much material and it is really of high quality, distribute it evenly, like butter on bread.

4. Work for "thank you"

You can work for free only in LLC mode (experience, reviews, mistakes). If everything was done without mistakes, immediately ask for a review; if not, then fill the bumps further. If you have nothing but bumps in the long run, then have the courage to let go of the topic.

Not all reviews will be rave, but they do confirm the very fact of your interaction with the audience. I saw a funny tweet: "I bought a spinner - I expected more." I still don't understand what the girl was expecting, but she learned that she has a spinner.

5. Don't believe in ads

There is an objection that I hear quite often: "Tried it yourself - it doesn't work."

Paradoxically, in order to put the castle in the warehouse, professionals are called, and the advertising strategy is built by themselves. And they decide that advertising "doesn't work." An advertisement in the newspaper "From Ruk to Ruki" is not served even then, since the cost of placement (oh horror!) Is slightly more than zero.

Remember: if your business is still underdeveloped, advertising is the main investment.


Developing a personal brand is essential. Many modern business models are built on charismatic leadership. The country needs its heroes even in the era of capitalism, so business is now becoming more transparent and public. Feeling the views of people on yourself, you feel even more responsibility for what is said, done, written. Therefore, I take a step towards you and look forward to your feedback.
