15 signs you are in a healthy relationship
15 signs you are in a healthy relationship

Are you sure that next to you is a beloved, reliable, "the same" person? Our article will help you determine this.

15 signs of a healthy relationship
15 signs of a healthy relationship

We spend a lot of time discussing how to recognize destructive relationships that bring nothing but frustration, resentment, nerves, and problems.

Much less often, we talk about real and fruitful relationships. Today we invite you to remember what a healthy relationship should look like.

1. You complement each other

Think of a sports team. All of its members work together and, thanks to this, achieve fantastic results, putting together their skills and experience. Synergy like this is the hallmark of a true and happy relationship.

If one hates washing dishes, the other will happily do it for him. You always come to each other's aid. One complements the other. Your team wins the game.

2. Are you arguing

No, not often. And not in an overly harsh manner. But if you argue, this indicates that each of you has a personal opinion and you are ready to defend it. It's good. If one of the two constantly and in everything agrees with the other, this may indicate that he is hiding his true feelings and emotions.

Two people may have the feeling that not arguing means peace and tranquility, but nothing good will come of it in the long run.

3. You support each other in everything

There is no such thing as part time in a relationship. You are either in a relationship or you are not. In a healthy relationship, both partners will be fully committed to each other and to the relationship. This means that you go through all life's trials together and support each other in everything.

4. You stopped hiding your flaws

Nobody's perfect. But if we try hard to convince someone that we are still this most notorious perfection, then we can never feel truly comfortable with this person and we will never let him know our true essence.

In a healthy relationship, we are open to each other and are not afraid to show our real ourselves to our partner, we know that he loves us, despite all our shortcomings.

5. You talk about sex

To build a happy and healthy relationship, you must talk openly about everything, including sex.

If you have a truly loved one next to you, then you will not be shy. Lack of shyness is a sign that you trust the person next to you.

6. Sometimes you may not speak at all

Have you ever had a friend with whom you could sit in the same room and be silent without feeling absolutely uncomfortable? Could you think about something of your own and at the same time just enjoy the company of a friend?

In a relationship, this is very important: not constantly talking to each other, and sometimes just silently enjoying the company of a loved one.

7. Near a loved one, you feel like a person

It is very important to maintain your individuality, not to get lost in another person, not to adapt to him. Otherwise, someday you will feel that you have made too much sacrifice, you do not feel like a happy person, and you don’t know what you really want.

8. You respect each other's privacy

Yes, you are a couple, and the statement “everything is mine is yours, everything is yours is mine”, of course, is wonderful, but do not forget that each of you has the right to privacy.

This means that you should not rummage through your partner's personal belongings, you should not read his SMS messages, or in any other way invade his privacy. Remember that such actions are a betrayal of trust, and happy couples do not play by these rules.

9. You trust each other

Trust is very important. Without trust, it makes no sense to talk about any relationship at all. If you do not trust your partner, then you are constantly nervous and suspect him of cheating. You cannot feel calm when he goes out somewhere alone or with friends, you get nervous even when he leaves for work.

This feeling will eat away at you and your relationship until things eventually go to hell.

10. You have no taboo topics

Any couple will always have questions and topics that they are unpleasant, difficult, or simply do not want to discuss with each other. If such topics are hushed up, and their discussion is constantly postponed indefinitely, then, in the end, this will lead to misunderstandings, offenses and other negative consequences.

Discuss everything that needs to be discussed with your partner. Most importantly, conduct the conversation calmly and respect the feelings and opinions of your loved one.

11. You accept each other's past

Each of us has a past. To accept the fact that in the past your significant other had a loved one and that this person was not you, of course, it hurts, but necessary.

Don't be afraid to talk about the past. You cannot erase words from a song, and if you flatly refuse to even hear that a person had someone before you, then you simply cut off a significant part of his life.

In a healthy relationship, as we said above, there are no taboo topics, there is no senseless jealousy, especially for what is left in the past.

12. You support each other in all endeavors

When you really love someone, you care about them and want them to be successful and self-fulfilling. You support him in everything, you believe in him.

You are standing next to the person, not in their path, as they move towards their goal.

13. Both of you continue to work on the relationship even after you've won each other

In any relationship there is, figuratively speaking, a peak, and no matter how long you climbed it, you can fall at any moment. To stay at this top, both partners must constantly work on relationships, develop them.

If you, having achieved the goal, calmed down and decided that the person is already yours and will not go anywhere, then your union is doomed.

14. You are always honest with each other

Honesty is the key to any relationship, especially love. If you lie to each other, even in small things, then your union is a house of cards that can collapse at any moment.

Be honest with your loved one and be sure that he or she is also honest with you.

15. Your loved one is not trying to change you

This is a clear sign of a healthy relationship. Another person should not try to change you, but by his example he can inspire you to learn something or revise some points in your behavior, attitude to life.

But you yourself must want to change, and in no case under pressure from another.
