Table of contents:

How not to make a fool of yourself online
How not to make a fool of yourself online

Simple social media rules to follow in order not to look stupid and not offend anyone.

How not to make a fool of yourself online
How not to make a fool of yourself online

1. Behave offline

When we write something on the Internet, we have only a smartphone or computer screen and we forget that we are actually communicating with real people.

Before you write any comment or send a questionable link to a friend, think if you could say the same thing in real life? Would you tell your friends over a cup of coffee about what is written on the link? If not, it's best not to write anything.

2. Don't try to get attention

Everybody has posts like “This is the worst day in my life” or “Nobody cares about me” from time to time. Typically, the people who write them are just trying to get attention. Such posts annoy most of your friend feed.

Before posting something, consider whether you really want people to read it, or if you just suffer from lack of attention. The problem of lack of attention by posts on the Internet cannot be solved, it is better to invite one of your close friends for a cup of coffee and share your thoughts.

3. Don't over-praise yourself

Check your social media posts. What do you mainly share? If your entire feed consists of descriptions of your achievements, even the most insignificant ones, photos of beautifully served food and selfies, it is worth considering.

First, the excessive number of such posts annoys others. Secondly, it can be a signal that you are feeling lonely and share any little things to get attention and feel that you are not alone. This problem should be solved in real life, not on the Internet.

4. Group your friends by interests

Not all of your friends on social media are interested in the same thing. Some will rejoice at the-g.webp

Divide people into lists - such a function is available, for example, on Facebook - and every time you publish a new post, make it open only to those who might be interested in it. You can divide your friend feed into close friends, colleagues, avid athletes, fans of funny videos, fans of Harry Potter books, and so on - depending on the interests of your social circle.

5. Be careful with personal information

Today, many people use social media posts as personal press releases. However, some of the posts there look inappropriate. For example, you should not notify your mutual friends and relatives about the death of a loved one by posting on Facebook or posting on Instagram.

Also, you should not wash dirty linen in public and trumpet in all social networks that you broke up with your partner. At least, out of respect for the feelings of the person with whom you were once very close.
