Table of contents:

A clever way to fool your laziness and start working like the Energizer Hare
A clever way to fool your laziness and start working like the Energizer Hare

Shoot me down! Does it happen that with these words you start your work? Sometimes we all do not rush. Even in the most interesting job. What to do? Someone makes themselves strong coffee, someone takes out a photo of their tax inspector, and someone is just fooling around. I also found myself in such a situation. All this self-motivation, all these "pull yourself together, rag" worked badly. Something else was needed. I found a way to work without fatigue, outside thoughts and with full dedication. The method is understandable even for a five-grader, but at the same time it is effective. And you don't need willpower!

A clever way to fool your laziness and start working like the Energizer Hare
A clever way to fool your laziness and start working like the Energizer Hare

Shoot me down!

Does it happen that with these words you start your work?

Sometimes we all do not rush. Even in the most interesting job.

What to do? Someone makes themselves strong coffee, someone takes out a photo of their tax inspector, and someone is just fooling around.

I also found myself in such a situation. All this self-motivation, all these "pull yourself together, rag" - worked badly. Something else was needed.

And I found it!

I found a way to work without fatigue, extraneous thoughts and with full dedication.

The method is understandable even for a five-grader, but, at the same time, it is effective. And you don't need willpower!

In this article, I will introduce you to the Pomodoro time management system.

Oh, just don’t wry your nose! Everyone has heard about the Tomato, but few have tried it. But I tried it.

I love tomatoes so much, I love tomatoes so much that I eat them with ketchup and wash them down with tomato juice! Folk art

But first the description

Pomodoro couldn't be easier!

We follow 5 simple steps:

  1. We define the task on which we will work
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  3. We work without distractions
  4. After 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, even if the task is not done
  5. Going back to step 1 or 2

More rules:

  • Have you "eaten" 4 tomatoes? We take a long break - for 15-30 minutes
  • At the end of the day, count the number of tomatoes
  • Distracted by something? The tomato "burns out" - start all over again!

That's the whole "system". But it works!

What is the trick of a tomato?



We write so much at Lifehacker about the need to work in focus. Without being distracted. All attention is on the current business. This is what the tomato is trying to achieve!

You cannot be distracted - otherwise the tomato will not be counted. Is it a shame? Aha!

Gamification. It's fashionable now. Fucked up to work - play at work))

Why does it work?

5 minute rest


We have a rest BEFORE, and not when the eyes flow out onto the keyboard. It is convenient to cram into this rest a warm-up for the same eyes, a numb back and ass, for the joints.

In general, for these 5 minutes you need to be distracted at the MAXIMUM.

Do you work while sitting? Stand up! Do you work at a computer? Go for a walk!

But the main thing is to switch with the BAR. If you've been working on a project, you need to stop thinking about it.

I can share one of the recipes: I go to YouTube, turn on some "laughs", get up and do stretching exercises.

I stand, waving my hands, laughing. This is my workers 'and peasants' method. For you ladies and gentlemen, it may be something more noble: yoga or meditation.

15-30 minute break

Well, this break is just for a nap. A little nap works wonders. It's like you are living two energetic days in one!

If you can't sleep, then you need to be distracted in another way. You can, for example, take a walk in the park and eat a treat.

When is Pomodoro good?

Here is a list of those along the way with a tomato:

  • Programmers
  • Translators
  • Writers

In short, those who have long stretches of monotonous activity.

The tomato is good when you have to do a lot in a whole day. Break your ass! And at the same time it is not a desire to work.

Don't work, but play. How many tomatoes can you eat in a day?

Pomodoro is a great technique from an energy management standpoint, because you take regular breaks to replenish your energy.

There is something about Pomodoro and training. After all, you reward yourself for each working segment with a "lump of sugar" in the form of a break. By the way, it could be a real piece of sugar))

When does Pomodoro not roll?

Pomodoro doesn't roll when you don't have large blocks of time to work. When you are constantly being pulled. For example, you are on calls. What kind of tomato is this? They called - I'm working. If they don't call, I don't work.

Or you are closely associated with a group of colleagues. And they have their own work habits.

Or you have a little kid who put (literally, yeah) on your entire time management.

But what if you were distracted once? To prevent the tomato from burning, you need to quickly endure this distraction. Write it down for the future. And continue to eat your current tomato. For example, if they call you, then you just call back during the break and that's it.

My experience

It happens that I work all day without distractions. Then Pomodoro rules!

And it happens that the day is twitchy. Things come and go. Then the tomato doesn't work.

And this is what my tomato timer looks like:

I plow like a horse. Already 3 sec. How many are left there?
I plow like a horse. Already 3 sec. How many are left there?

Yeah, it's just a digital clock. I have enough. I'm not chasing precision. 25 or 35 minutes in a tomato is not that important, in my opinion. After all, tomatoes are different: from "Cherry" to "Bull's Heart"))

Conveniently, my watch is always with me. After all, I work not only at the computer. I often work on the go. For example, I can walk for 2 hours and dictate articles or read a book. In these cases, I also take breaks along the Pomodoro.

Programs and applications for Pomodoro

The life hacker constantly writes about applications and programs under Pomodoro.

Yes, to hell with them, with programs. See what a cute timer you can buy in Ikei for only 64 rubles:

Ikea approve
Ikea approve


Pomodoro is a simple yet powerful time management system.

Be sure to try it out today. And do not forget to unsubscribe about the results here - on Lifehacker!

Write in the comments

Is Pomodoro applicable to your work?

Have you tried working like this? How effective is it? Increased?
