Table of contents:

28 good habits for a productive and happy life
28 good habits for a productive and happy life

Habits either help us succeed or hinder our development. Pick one or more areas that you want to change for the better, and try to introduce these good habits into your life.

28 good habits for a productive and happy life
28 good habits for a productive and happy life


1. Write down all your ideas

Create a notebook in which you will write down all the ideas and interesting thoughts that come to your mind. So you will definitely not forget anything important, and when you need to come up with something, the blanks will already be at your fingertips.

2. Visualize the result

Visualization will help you cope with obstacles that seemed insurmountable and get closer to your cherished goal.

3. Take time to be alone with yourself

Close your eyes and be alone with your thoughts. It is very important to be alone sometimes and listen to yourself.

4. Express gratitude

Often we already have a lot of what we want, but we do not appreciate it. Try writing down what you are grateful for every day. Even if it will be some kind of trifle.


5. Track your spending

Keep track of every ruble spent, do not miss a single waste. Knowing how much and what you are spending on, you will see what you can save on.

6. Consider Your Financial Goals Regularly

It is advisable to do this every day. Be honest with yourself, estimate how much debt you have, how much you spent and received. This will make it easier for you to move towards your goals.

7. Make shopping lists

Do not go to stores without a list, or you are likely to buy a lot of unnecessary items.

8. Don't accumulate unpaid bills

Categorize them right away so you always know what and when you need to pay.


9. Go for walks

Walk in the park or just around the house, hold hands and talk. This is great for strengthening relationships.

10. Do something together

Find a hobby that interests both of you and practice it together regularly.

11. Listen to your partner

Let's talk to each other. Listen and try to understand someone else's point of view in order to find a common language.

12. Go on dates

Even when you've been together for a long time, try to go out on dates once a week. Don't let routine get in the way of enjoying each other's company.


13. Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast is not for nothing called the most important meal of the day, many studies confirm this. Always eat something, even if you have little time in the morning.

14. Eat more vegetables

They contain substances that lower the acidity of gastric juice. And most of us now eat foods that increase it.

15. Walk

Walk as much as possible. Usually it is advised to walk 10,000 steps or more per day.

16. Exercise every day

Try not to miss a single day, even if your workouts are short at some point.

Achievements of goals

17. Track your progress

Celebrating your progress every day will help you stay motivated.

18. Learn something new

Try to study every day. When you don't have time, watch one TED video at least and you will learn something new and useful.

19. Test Your Purpose in Action

If you are dreaming of buying a house, go and see different houses. If you want to buy a car, ask a car dealership for a test drive. Find as much information as possible about what you are aiming for and start planning to make the goal more realistic.

20. Change perspective

Think about what you have already achieved, what you have already done on the way to the goal. Try to remember this when it starts to seem to you that you are not getting close to achieving what you want.


21. Keep in touch

Keep in touch with the people you meet at various work events, and don't forget about them after a week or two.

22. Be Responsible

Summarize and report on what has been done. At the end of the day, write yourself to people who promised to answer you, but did not answer.

23. Write competently

Train your writing: spelling, grammar, word usage. Your writing style gives your colleagues an impression of you.

24. Be polite

Is always. If you find yourself getting annoyed, apologize. Try to get into the habit of being polite.

Spiritual values

25. Share with others

Be generous. Give without expecting anything in return. It's not necessarily about donating money, you can donate time and energy to help those in need.

26. Treat others with understanding

Do not hold evil on others, forgive insults. Accept that everyone is different. But don't forget that we all have a lot in common.

27. Laugh more often

Laughter is good for your health. Don't take everything too seriously. Try to laugh every day, whatever your life situation may be.

28. Appreciate the little things

Notice the beauty of the simple things that we usually take for granted.
