3 shortcuts to success that winners use
3 shortcuts to success that winners use

There are three short paths that lead to success. These ways are not about working harder, but about doing it smartly. Do not wander in search of a path to success, but use the beaten track.

3 shortcuts to success that winners use
3 shortcuts to success that winners use

Some people don't believe there is a shortcut to success. They think that only hard work can achieve anything you want. But do people who work hard and hard always win?

Imagine that there really are no short ones and each person is as successful as he deserves with his work. Does this mean that Bill Gates, who earns $ 11 billion a year ($ 1.3 million an hour!), Is working 54,000 times harder than the average American worker earning $ 50,000 a year? How is this possible?

Everyone wants to believe that hard work is rewarded. And so it is. But you cannot work more than your limit allows. You, too, have 24 hours a day, just like other people. So what do you do? You need to learn to work smarter. This means that it is worth learning from someone who is already doing this.

1. Don't start alone - you need a teacher

Tell me - and I will forget, teach me - and I can remember, involve me - and I will learn.

Benjamin Franklin is an American politician, diplomat, and writer. One of the founding fathers of the United States.

Sometimes the road to success seems too long, and then it turns out that it does not lead to success, but to nowhere. Because you are missing something important, you are doing something.

In any great story, there is a segment of the path on which the hero encounters circumstances that he cannot overcome. This is exactly the moment when he needs a guide, a mentor. You cannot go further if someone wise does not show you the way. Frodo needs Gandalf. Luke needs Obi-Wan. You need a teacher.

path to success - look for a mentor
path to success - look for a mentor

Many people do not succeed because they have gotten to it. But because at the right time they met the right person.

You will work hard, but not stupidly, but exactly how. And not because you became smarter, but because someone smart showed you the way. You will direct your forces in the right direction.

Of course, you can't just wait for a mentor to appear in your life. Some will be lucky, others will have to find another shortcut to success.

2. Don't reinvent the wheel - learn from other people's experience

Real education is not about learning a few facts from the field of science or art, but about developing character.

David O. McKay is a religious leader and educator.

How do you find a mentor or guide? It is not as easy as we would like it to be. Reputable people who can help you with advice are usually very busy.

So you have to try hard just to meet one of them. And he certainly won't have that much free time to constantly teach you. Therefore, you will most likely have several mentors.

You could call it casual apprenticeship. If you take a closer look at your life and those who appear in it, you will find many people who have a lot to learn from.

The best mentors are the people around you.

But finding a mentor is half the battle. It is also necessary to get knowledge from him and, above all, to make him want to share it.

Start small

In other words, don't ask the person, "Will you be my teacher?" Instead, ask him to spare you a couple of minutes, invite him to lunch, treat him to coffee.

Let the teacher speak

Ask him to share his success story. Ask as much as possible, prepare questions, and try to speak as little as possible. No one can resist such an interest in their person, and you will be involved in the conversation, which will help you remember a lot of valuable information.

Take notes

When you meet with a mentor, write down everything he said. This is how you pay tribute to his wisdom and gain invaluable experience. Better to use a pad and pen rather than your phone. Otherwise, the person might think that you are texting or checking your email while talking.

the path to success - take notes
the path to success - take notes

Further actions

This is probably the most important and most often overlooked secret of relationships with people who can teach you something. Thank the person who taught you something. Say thank you, or better yet, show a copy of your notes so that he knows that you really listened to him and are going to apply what he said in life.

Apply tips

This is the best thing you can do to get the mentor's attention. Take some advice you got from your teacher (or read in his book or blog) and apply it. Show it works and tell everyone about it. You will present your teacher in a positive light, and he will want to help you over and over again.

No need for empty flattery

Just show that you are the right person to spend your time on.

Follow these tips and helpful people will want to share their time, attention, and ideas with you. Because everyone wants to help a person who is going to achieve something - so they will feel responsible for his success and involvement in it.

3. Be generous, help others

Some people, having achieved success, hide from beginners how they did it. Others, on the contrary, share their secrets with everyone - they write books about it or publish articles on blogs.

Resist the urge to hide your secrets of success. Moving from stinginess to generosity, you change a lot.

  • Avarice kills creativity. Generosity supports him.
  • Avarice makes us afraid. Generosity makes you brave.
  • Avarice pushes people away from us. Generosity attracts.

You will have the opportunity to help other people, and this is one of the best aspects of success.

Does it really work?

Of course, there may be doubts that these tips will work for everyone. After all, all people are different. Here are the answers to some of the objections you might have.

Why impress influential people? Wouldn't they just help out, out of the kindness of their souls?

Well, maybe. But they usually don't have much time. When it comes to choosing who to help, they choose promising people. It is best to be remembered as an ambitious person with a bunch of questions who is eager to learn, and not as a person who “already knows everything” and prefers not to listen to the mentor, but to tell him about himself.

Are people of authority so selfish that you need to talk exclusively about them?

No, surely not all of them are selfish. But we all love to feel important and significant in one way or another. Therefore, when looking for advice from another person, it is better to turn to that side of their personality, rather than the nobler part.

Does everything need to be thought out so carefully?

Could a relationship be just communication between two people without any practical benefit? Of course, there are relationships for the sake of relationships. But the truth is, almost always, we want to get something out of the relationship.

Maybe you want love and care, or maybe you want to learn something. The fact that you want something from a person does not mean that you use him and give nothing in return.

If you want to learn something, it really pays to think it through. And first of all, you should free up time for people who can guide you.

Don't plan the relationship - the framework kills them. Plan your time and try to devote it to those who can justify the hours spent on it. By the way, this is exactly what people who can become your mentors think.

Let's sum up

Success is easy. Do the right thing at the right time.

Arnold G. Glasow is an American businessman and comedian.

Lesson number 1. You will reach your goal faster if you follow someone else's footsteps

Find a mentor and follow their advice. There is a difference between a person who is constantly struggling, punching his way on his own, and a person who uses the experience of others to find the right path faster. Trust me, there are people who want to help you.

Lesson # 2. Other people's experiences can help you reach your own potential

In other words, you shouldn't waste years trying to get to something with your mind. Instead, spend time and money on your training.

Invest in opportunities to learn something from someone else's experience, touch someone else's success story, and learn something useful from it. Moreover, this can be achieved in different ways: sign up for courses, hire a coach, work for free solely to gain experience.

Lesson number 3. When it seems that your options are limited, change your thinking

Maybe you should change your workspace. Perhaps it is worth going to a conference where experts gather. Or even just realize that there are many opportunities around.

Where you are is important, but your way of thinking is much more important. The possibilities are closer than you think. You just need to take a step towards them. After all, it is better to look for luck, and not wait until it comes to you.
