Workout of the Day: Cool 6 Minute Star Coach Challenge
Workout of the Day: Cool 6 Minute Star Coach Challenge

Four bundles of exercises without equipment for excellent pumping of the whole body.

Workout of the Day: Cool 6 Minute Star Coach Challenge
Workout of the Day: Cool 6 Minute Star Coach Challenge

This is a little challenge from celebrity personal trainer Kira Stokes. The movements will put a good load on the shoulders and arms, hips, buttocks and abs, and if you try to do everything quickly, you will also pump endurance.

The complex includes four bundles of exercises with your body weight. You do each of them in a ladder format: start with one, then repeat two, three, four and five times. After that, without rest, go to the next bunch of movements, perform them at first once, then gradually reach up to five repetitions.

Here are the exercises to do:

  1. Squats, "caterpillar" and touching the shoulders in the bar. Note that two shoulder touches in the plank count as one repetition, so you will need to complete 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 touches.
  2. "Caterpillar" on the forearms and exit to the dolphin pose. In this connection, you increase the number of exits to the dolphin pose, there is only one penetration on the forearms in all approaches.
  3. Push-ups, backward hips, arm-supported jump, half-squat jump, and Jumping Jacks. Here you only increase the number of repetitions of Jumping Jacks, the rest remains unchanged.
  4. Glute bridge and "bike". The two repetitions of the bike exercise counts at a time, so you do 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 body turns with your arms behind your head.
