Workout of the Day: Cool 20-Minute Complex from Queen Calisthenica
Workout of the Day: Cool 20-Minute Complex from Queen Calisthenica

Simple home workout exercises from fitness model and champion Malin Malle.

Workout of the Day: Cool 20-Minute Complex from Queen Calisthenica
Workout of the Day: Cool 20-Minute Complex from Queen Calisthenica

This simple and interesting complex will speed up your heart rate, make you spend a lot of calories and tone the muscles of the whole body.

The workout consists of five exercises:

  1. Semi-burpy with a jump.
  2. Legs Together - Legs Apart in Plank and Jump to Squat.
  3. Russian crunches.
  4. Burpee with a roll.
  5. Exercise "rock climber".

Do each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next. When you’re done, rest for 1–2 minutes and start over. In total, you need to make 4 circles - this will take about 20 minutes.

If you are in a hurry, you can remove the minute of rest between the circles: take a break for the prescribed 20 seconds interval, and then start over. Also, do not be afraid to reduce the number of circles: it is better to do two than not do at all.
