Workout of the Day: Powerful 15 Minute Cardio with Skipping Rope
Workout of the Day: Powerful 15 Minute Cardio with Skipping Rope

A combination of jumping and strength exercises with your body weight.

Workout of the Day: Powerful 15 Minute Cardio with Skipping Rope
Workout of the Day: Powerful 15 Minute Cardio with Skipping Rope

The rope is just perfect for home cardio. It is compact, cheap and allows you to make up whole complexes of different jumps.

Moreover, the rope can also be used for strength exercises with your body weight, as in the video below. Intense work will speed up your heart rate and help you burn more calories, and strength elements will put a good load on your abs and hip flexors, arms and shoulders, chest and buttocks.

The workout includes five exercises:

  1. A fold with the transfer of the legs through the rope.
  2. Jumping out of the pivot squat.
  3. Explosive push-ups with a change in the setting of the hands.
  4. Jumping into the sprinter pose.
  5. Jumping rope.

Do each element for 30 seconds without stopping, then rest for the next half minute and start another exercise. When you finish the last one, go back to the beginning. Complete three circles.

If you start to choke at the end of a circle, pause for 60 seconds before starting the next one. Your workout will be 2 minutes longer, but you will be able to give your best at work intervals.
