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6 tips to help you make new friends easily
6 tips to help you make new friends easily

If your social life leaves a lot to be desired, it's time to think about what you are doing wrong and try to find a couple of great mates. There is nothing wrong with that.

6 tips to help you make new friends easily
6 tips to help you make new friends easily

Friendship is needed not only to exchange interesting stories over a cup of coffee. Strong connections with people are vital for every person. According to a Harvard University study, not having friendships increases your risk of premature death by 50% - just like smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Talking about your problems and making new friends becomes more difficult with age. But in fact, everything is very simple, you just need to understand what kind of friend you want to find. Jan Yager writer

The secret of friendship is simple: you need to be open to it. Here are six tips to help you form new friendships.

1. Be friendly

The first impression largely determines whether the person will continue to communicate with you or not. And the most important thing here is the facial expression. Think of the people you see every day at a store, airport, or in line for paperwork. If a person is frowning, frowns, does not smile, you are unlikely to want to exchange a few words with him. He just doesn't look friendly, although he may well be.

A good-natured smile or just a polite nod of your head lets others know that you are friendly and open to communication.

Another indicator of openness is the ability to listen. Most likely, you have a story to tell, but do not forget that friendship is a mutual process, so do not dwell on yourself and listen to the other person with interest. It may well be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

2. Do what you like

The best way to make new friends is to meet people with whom you have common interests. If you have a hobby that you usually do alone, consider where you can find like-minded people. Sign up for a sports section, join groups on social networks, see where people with similar interests gather in your city.

There is nothing easier than starting a conversation about some things with a person who also likes them. When you meet someone with similar interests, exchange contacts and stay in touch.

3. Maintain a positive attitude

A positive attitude is one of the most important requirements of friendship. It depends on him whether we feel like spending time with a person or not. Think about whether people enjoy communicating with you, and decide what more work needs to be done.

Simple rules: say "thank you", support, ask questions, don't be secretive, smile.

People don't like being around negative people all the time. Researchers have found that when you say good things about someone, people tend to attribute those positive qualities to you, too. For example, if you tell a coworker that your boss is a friendly and considerate person, he is more likely to think that you yourself are friendly and considerate. Conversely, if you complain that your boss is a narcissistic jerk, a coworker may notice some of these unpleasant qualities in you.

4. Don't expect others to take the first step

Perhaps you feel vulnerable when you go to meet another person. But it may turn out that he is even more withdrawn and it is not easy for him to establish contact with a stranger. So just talk. After all, what could be wrong with you?

In a relationship, you need not only to take, but also to give, to help other people. And most of the things that we expect from friendship - trust, reliability, honesty - are built on reciprocity. Find out what others are missing, help them, and they can see you as a potential friend.

Don't wait for everything to happen by itself. Be active, invite people to visit, offer to take a walk, and you will be surprised how many people want to join you.

5. Keep in touch

Relationships depend on how much time you spend with your friends. So think about how you will keep in touch. For example, before leaving a party, say that you liked everything and it would be nice to repeat it, and offer to exchange numbers or add each other on social networks. The next day, you can thank the person for a pleasant time. Or invite you to your birthday later. Or somewhere else.

Be consistent. Agree, friendship is unlikely to work if you first have a good time, and then do not write and do not answer for a whole month.

6. Agree to invitations, even if you don't want to

Those who make friends easily see any invitation as an opportunity to meet interesting people. Therefore, even if you do not feel like going somewhere, remember that a meeting can bring you something amazing. Try to get out of the house and meet interesting people.
