Life hacks for teenagers: what to do today in order to live life for your pleasure
Life hacks for teenagers: what to do today in order to live life for your pleasure

One of my responsibilities at work is to work with the adolescent children of my employees, so that they will grow from them to be purposeful, creative and moral people who are able to achieve success. And then one day they asked me a question that made me think.

Life hacks for teenagers: what to do today in order to live life for your pleasure
Life hacks for teenagers: what to do today in order to live life for your pleasure

Before I read out the question, I will try to explain to you how sometimes it is difficult or even unbearable for adolescents with me in all this educational work. Imagine a person in whose list of values self-discipline or self-control is one of the first places. In addition, this person has not been a teenager for a long time, he almost does not remember what it feels like, and only knows from clever books about the difficulties of puberty associated with active restructuring of the brain.

No, I do not think that entertainment and fun are not needed at all, but I have a special view of them, and for happiness and success in life, this is a secondary or even tertiary matter. With all this, my wards gladly come to our meetings and actively participate in them. Amazing people!

But even they once could not stand it and asked: “We are no longer children, but still not adults and not even young people. If you do everything that you tell us, then when to have fun, meet for games and communication? " "Indeed," I thought, "am I not taking childhood away from these guys?" I took time out to give an answer. It shouldn't look like a rule, but should help everyone make their own decision. What does every young person need to understand in order to find a balance on their own?

Simple arithmetic of life

Let's say that our youngest reader is 15 years old and will finally enter an independent life at 25, and he will live up to 70 years. That is, he has 10 years of a more or less carefree life, and then 45 years of household, family, career and other concerns.

Option 1

Our hero spends these 10 years on games, parties, extreme sports and generally lives for his own pleasure. Of course, he is a good son, friend, brother, studies well, graduates with honors from the university and gets a high-paying job. But not more. Most likely, it will turn out that the choice of work was dictated by the size of income or prestige, but not by his dreams, inclinations and preferences.

From experience I know that if a young man makes efforts to just be “good” and spends the rest of the time on a sweet life, then he has no time at all for thinking about his calling, his dream and preparing for such a difficult, but very diverse and an exciting life.

Eventually: a person shines with the prospect of giving the most productive years to an unloved job, perhaps to a wrongly chosen life partner, or to rush from one port to another without finding a refuge.

Option 2

Our hero in these ten relatively carefree years is very different from other peers. Let's take the maximum. He does not go to parties and discos, does not play video games, his head is not filled with representatives of the opposite sex. During class, whether at home or in school, he is as focused as possible. In his free time, he tries to understand his inclinations and preferences, studies different professions, tries to make money, plan his time, additionally learns foreign languages …

In addition to the fact that he voluntarily deprives himself of all the "joys" of adolescence and youth life, he becomes the object of ridicule and outright ridicule. However, I'm sure the motive for such bullying is fear and envy.

Eventually: our hero is adapted to this life. He can earn what he really likes. Perhaps he sits in the office of a famous IT corporation and creates amazing products. Perhaps he works as a remote designer while traveling the world. In any case, he does what brings him pleasure.

In addition, he is not afraid to change or lose his job. Ten young years, when the others were having fun, he plowed, investing in the future, and now he has 45 years ahead of him, when he will live for his own pleasure, do what he likes, and still receive money for it.

Individual choice

Of course, I think the second option is the ideal life, but I understand that we are all different and see a happy life in different ways. I hope that, reflecting on both options, everyone will understand the main idea and will be able to make an independent right choice for themselves.

Personal experience

My life was not so smooth and perfect. It was similar to the first option and even worse, because I was neither a good son nor a good student. And one of the reasons is that I have never come across such articles. At some point in my life, I began to come across such materials more and more often and, when the critical mass was reached, I decided to change everything.

I left a job I didn’t like, which brought me a good income, but was meaningless to me. I had to live without a paycheck for about a year, as I was learning what I wanted to do. There was anything, but all Heaven was interested in my destiny, and today I am provided with a work that I love and which I am ready to do day and night. I am happy and satisfied, but if I had spent my youth wisely, all this would have happened much earlier and less painfully.

Tips for teens

Organize your life

Understand, if we want to get somewhere, we need a map. And if we want to achieve something, then we need a plan. This is not just a plan for the day, it can be a plan for a lifetime of four levels. Of course, it will change over time, but in any case, you will always choose the direction. Now that you have a rear in the person of your parents and grandparents, it's time to invest it in searching and throwing, in finding yourself and yours.

Learn to work

No matter what anyone says, every achievement is worth the effort. Even in your favorite business or hobby, efforts are needed to achieve heights. Learn to work intellectually. A person with a developed intellect will find a way out of any situation, while maintaining optimism and good spirits. Learn to work physically. Do not hesitate to travel to the dacha, but even better take under your "patronage" a plot that you will spend from sowing to preserving the harvest. This will teach hard work, perseverance, dedication, teach many lessons and help shape practical thinking.

Take care of your health

I know that in youth it seems that your health is enough for your children, grandchildren, and even a little will remain for your great-grandchildren. But if you do not treat it carefully, then it will not be enough even for you. Remember that health is not only about well-being, but also about being attractive. Intellectual and spiritual health also needs to be taken care of. Be critical of what you watch, listen to, and read.

Learn to deal with problems

Do not think that one day you can achieve complete absence of problems. And do not even strive for it. Problems are catalysts for our growth. Learn to deal with problems correctly and overcome them.

Take advice and live your mind

Listen to what adults and experienced people tell you. Especially listen to those who have achieved a lot or drastically changed their lives for the better.

For example, I practice following the advice of such people word for word and letter for letter. But as time passes, I begin to analyze what can be changed so that this advice is suitable for me and my life. Sometimes I realize that the advice does not work for me at all, and I discard it. But such conclusions can only be drawn after unswervingly following the advice. It will make you wiser, more discerning, and over time you yourself will begin to understand the value of the symbiosis of advice and personal experience.

In the meantime, before you lies a rather difficult, but fascinating path of accomplishments and achievements. How to get through it depends only on you. Have a good trip!
