Scientists have confirmed a direct link between being overweight and premature death
Scientists have confirmed a direct link between being overweight and premature death

In recent years, there has been an opinion that extra pounds are not so harmful to health. But the most recent research questions this point of view.

Scientists have confirmed a direct link between being overweight and premature death
Scientists have confirmed a direct link between being overweight and premature death

It has been argued that obese people have an advantage over people of normal weight in terms of survival. Scientists have called this the obesity paradox. However, Boston University Medical Center staff have proven otherwise. Overweight or obese people often die earlier than people of normal weight.

In the course of the study, more than 225,000 people questionnaires were studied. Subjects' weight, habits and health problems were monitored every two years for 16 years.

Doctors have found that people with the highest body mass index (BMI) scores have a significantly greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, cancer, or any other cause than those without excess weight.

People with severe obesity, that is, those with a BMI of 35 or more, had a 73% higher risk of death than those in the study with normal weight.

Previous studies were based on a single measurement of BMI, and therefore could incorrectly establish the relationship of factors. Previously, scientists believed that the cause of weight loss could also be the cause of premature death. And, going from the opposite, decided that a high BMI protects. But, perhaps, a lower BMI indicated only a disease of the digestive system.

The staff at Boston University Medical Center, on the other hand, observed changes in weight over time, which allowed them to draw more accurate conclusions.

So if you've got those extra pounds, let this research motivate you to start shedding them.
