Table of contents:

What you need to know about the prevention and treatment of urethritis
What you need to know about the prevention and treatment of urethritis

Sometimes the disease goes away on its own. But a lot depends on what caused it.

What you need to know about the prevention and treatment of urethritis
What you need to know about the prevention and treatment of urethritis

Urethritis Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra (urethra). Everyone can face this problem: in the United States alone, up to 4 million Urethritis people suffer from urethritis every year.

Where does urethritis come from?

These are the most common causes of Urethritis. Causes of inflammation of the urethra.


The same microbes that affect the kidneys and bladder can cause inflammation of the urethra. Therefore, if you have a urinary tract infection (for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis), you run the risk of urethritis "on the load". In addition, the cause of the violation can be bacteria that live on the external genital organs. With poor hygiene, there are too many of them and they penetrate into the urethra.

Another route of infection is unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) can also manifest themselves as urethritis.


Human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) can also cause inflammation of the urethral lining.


Urethritis can develop, for example, due to inaccurate placement of a catheter or other damage to the genital organs.

Reaction to chemicals

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the urethra is sometimes caused by chemicals that are found in soaps, shower gels, spermicidal lubricants. But this happens very rarely.

What is urethritis

The types of urethritis are directly related to its causes. Doctors distinguish two types of inflammation.

  • Gonococcal. This is the name of urethritis, provoked by the bacteria that causes gonorrhea. It accounts for about 20% of all cases of inflammation of the urethra.
  • Non-gonococcal. This type includes all other cases of violation.

What are the symptoms of urethritis

Inflammation of the urethra can be suspected if you observe the following signs of Urethritis:

  • increased urge to urinate;
  • discomfort when urinating - burning and stinging;
  • redness around the opening of the urethra;
  • a small amount of blood in your urine or semen;
  • unusual, most often yellowish, discharge from the penis or vagina.

What to do if you suspect urethritis

As soon as possible, see your doctor - therapist or specialized specialist: gynecologist (if you are a woman) or urologist (if you are a man).

This is important because urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted diseases can be signs of urethritis. The sooner you diagnose and begin treatment, the less damage the disease will cause to the body.

The doctor will ask about the symptoms, ask if you have had new sexual contacts and whether you have used condoms, and examine the genitals. You will also have to pass tests:

  • a swab from the opening of the urethra or from the vagina;
  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

This is necessary in order to identify a possible sexually transmitted infection and make an accurate diagnosis.

How to treat urethritis

Typically, inflammation of the urethra is treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. They will be selected by a gynecologist, urologist or venereologist, depending on which microbe or virus caused the urethritis.

In the event that the violation is caused by trauma or a chemical, pills are not needed - the irritation will go away on its own without any treatment. It is enough just to identify the irritant and avoid contact with it. Your doctor will tell you what to do to make your symptoms go away as quickly as possible.

What to do to prevent urethritis

Prevention rules are simple:

  • Monitor your genital hygiene.
  • Use hypoallergenic soap or gel to care for the intimate area.
  • Use condoms during sex. You can only refuse them if you and your partner are monogamous and are 100% sure that both are healthy.
