Table of contents:

Scabies: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease
Scabies: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

Scabies mites await you at home, at work, and in public places.

How not to get scabies and how to treat it
How not to get scabies and how to treat it

What is scabies

Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by the scabies mite. The microscopic parasite burrows into the top layer of the skin and lays eggs. The body reacts to this with allergies - rashes and itching.

When the laid eggs mature, new mites hatch from them. They spread throughout the body of the sick person, and are also transmitted to other people.

On average, mites live on the skin for a couple of months. During this time, the patient manages to infect those who are in contact with him every day: family, friends, classmates, colleagues.

What are the symptoms of scabies

Most often, scabies affects the area between the fingers, the bends of the knees and elbows, the wrists from the inside, armpits, feet, chest, buttocks, waist, pubis. In infants, the skin under the hair on the head, neck, shoulders and palms can also be affected.


The symptoms of scabies cause a lot of inconvenience, they are hard to miss:

  • Itching. It is found in the first place and increases at night to such an extent that it interferes with sleep.
  • Rash. The tiny bumps resemble acne or bites. They form when a tick dives under the skin.
  • Ulcers. Due to severe itching, a person itches and leaves wounds on the body. Ulcers are dangerous because if dirt and germs get into them, an infection can develop.
  • Crusts. This is already a sign of severe scabies - Norwegian, first described in Norway in the middle of the 19th century. With ordinary scabies, there are on average 15–20 ticks on the patient's body, with Norwegian scabies, their number increases to several hundred or even thousands. And they damage the skin so that crusts form.

How is scabies spread

Very simple and fast. Infection occurs mainly through physical contact: during hugs, kisses, sex, handshakes, and even fleeting casual touches on public transport.

However, the tick can also be found on clothes or other things of the patient. The parasite lives for 48–72 hours without the food provided by the host.

Who can get scabies

Most often, scabies are ill:

  • Schoolchildren and kindergarteners: they are in contact with a large number of people during the day.
  • Their parents and other family members.
  • People who often change sexual partners.
  • Employees and visitors of public institutions - schools and kindergartens, universities, nursing homes, sports locker rooms, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and prisons.
  • People with weakened immune systems, including those with HIV or AIDS and those undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Elderly people: their immunity is less resistant to disease.

If you do not belong to any of the items on the list, this does not mean that you will not get infected. According to the WHO, scabies is one of the most common skin diseases. It affects about 130 million people at any given time.

The situation is complicated by the fact that scabies has a long incubation period. After infection, a person for two whole months may be unaware of the disease and at the same time be its carrier.

How not to get scabies

The surest way is not to touch the sick or touch their things. But this is impossible if the infected person lives with you or you simply do not know that the person has scabies.

Rules for those who are sick at home

A rash of unknown origin may be scabies. Therefore, as soon as you notice it in a loved one, immediately send him to a doctor to find out the diagnosis and start treatment.

If it's scabies, try to keep yourself safe:

  • Wash the patient's clothes and bedding regularly. It is advisable to do this every day. The water temperature must be at least 50 ° C. Add powder or bleach to the water, only rinse the clothes thoroughly after this so as not to cause irritation. Let the items dry naturally or with the warmest tumble dryer setting. Finally, iron everything thoroughly with an iron.
  • Vacuum and mop the floor in your home. Discard the vacuum cleaner bag that contains dust. This should be done at the beginning of treatment and at the end.
  • Spray everything you can with Permethrin Disinfectant Spray. Floor, carpets, furniture, appliances, gadgets, decorations. Do this at the beginning of treatment, and then when the doctor confirms that the patient has recovered. This will help avoid re-infection.
  • Place anything that cannot be washed or sprayed into an airtight bag. For example, jewelry, books and toys will have to be sent in a bag for a week. During this time, ticks will die without food and things can be used again.
  • Give the patient a separate towel. No one but him should dry off with it.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after each contact with a sick person. Rinse the area between your toes especially thoroughly and remember to keep your nails in mind - these are places where mites can lurk.

If you follow these rules and prescriptions of the doctor, the disease will not spread to the entire family.

Daily prevention for everyone

These simple guidelines can help reduce your risk of contracting scabies:

  • Wash your hands after outside. Even if you have left the house for a while and it seems that they are clean. You have at least touched a doorknob, intercom button, or elevator. In front of you, anyone could touch them.
  • Damp your home regularly. Disinfect floors and furniture at least once a week with hot water and a chlorine-based solution.
  • Do not share personal items with anyone. Hairbrush, clothes, towel, toothbrush should be your own.
  • Do not dry your hands with a reusable towel in public areas. Ticks are very often transmitted through towels.
  • Minimize the number of sexual partners. Due to prolonged contact with someone else's skin, the likelihood of infection is very high.

How to treat scabies

If you notice symptoms of scabies in yourself or in a person you have come into contact with, see your doctor immediately.

To treat scabies, doctors most often prescribe ointments and lotions that contain permethrin, lindane, benzyl benzoate, crotamiton, or sulfur. These chemicals kill scabies mites.

In addition, to relieve itching, you can:

  • Take a dip in cool water or apply a cold compress to the affected areas of the body.
  • Apply an over-the-counter soothing body lotion. For example, with aloe vera, tea tree oil, or calamine.
  • Take antihistamines. You need to find out the names and dosage from your doctor.

Do not self-medicate. Otherwise, you run the risk of earning a complication - a secondary skin infection, from which you will have to get rid of antibiotics.
