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5 tips to get rid of shopaholism
5 tips to get rid of shopaholism

Shopaholism is an irresistible urge to shop for the sake of the shopping process itself. A pernicious passion to throw money around can lead to irreversible financial consequences. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn how to deal with this addiction.

5 Tips to Get Rid of Shopaholism
5 Tips to Get Rid of Shopaholism

What is shopaholism and what are its causes

Shopaholism is a persistent psychological addiction to the shopping process. But its basis is physiological. Shopping affects the brain of a shopaholic in the same way that drugs affect the brain of an addict. In both cases, the next "dose" causes a rapid release of the hormone of joy.

In this case, the purchased item may be completely unnecessary for the buyer. The very process of choosing, finding a product, paying for it and the culmination of a sense of acquisition makes the knees of shop neurotics tremble with happiness.

Therefore, everyone can become a shopologist, regardless of their financial situation. It could be a multi-billionaire ordering another yacht, or a poor man buying leaky slippers in a thrift store.


But the worst thing about shopaholism is not the financial implications. The system of values that has developed among those suffering from shopping addiction is amazing. Why is it that such an insignificant and completely meaningless action like a purchase gives a person the greatest joy in this world? Psychologists explain this by compensating for the lack of positive emotions in life.

In any case, the problem lies entirely in the emotional sphere of the person. Therefore, attempts to cure the patient, resorting to the arguments of logic, are powerless here. A shopaholic knows perfectly well that he is behaving stupidly, he is aware of his addiction. By reminding him of her, you will only annoy him even more.

Now we are talking about a severe form of shopaholism, when a person has almost no control over his actions. However, the shopaholic lives in each of us. If you feel like you often visit an online store for no specific purpose, but as a result, you are overstocked with all sorts of junk, you may need to heed the advice on combating shopaholism.

How to get rid of shopaholism

1. It is necessary to set the trigger for the appearance of desire

Even the most notorious shopaholics have moments in their lives when they don't think about shopping, for example in their sleep. There are times when the desire to buy can appear, and there are times when it disappears.

You need to find out what exactly pushes the shopaholic to satisfy his passion. It could be boredom, anger, or shame. Keep a journal and document your emotional state every time you break loose. This will help to objectively assess the problem.

2. Establish a psychological need that is met by the purchase

Shopping can be enjoyable, pain-free, and distracted from difficult and unpleasant thoughts. Analyze whether it replaces your lack of entertainment or allows you to forget about something negative (fear or feelings of loneliness).

Note which form of shopping is satisfying. Do you like to be with your friends? Choosing products when a lot of people are flitting around you? Or do you just enjoy looking for a product, whether the seller is online or in real life?

3. Find outside support

All of the above questions need to be answered honestly. If you can't handle it yourself, ask a family or friend to become your therapist. Have him ask you these questions, and then analyze the answers together.

Defeating addiction is nearly impossible alone. You always need someone who will support and guide you in the right direction. The main thing is to be honest with yourself.

4. Replace shopping with something

Once you understand the root cause of the problem, you can clearly define which practice can be an alternative to your addiction. If it's all about boredom - bring more new entertainment into your life, sign up for dances, start playing computer games, jump with a parachute.

Having filled your life with various daily activities, you will have neither the time nor the desire to shop.

Most cases of shopaholism can be attributed to a mild form. But if the neurosis is based on a socio-psychological factor (a feeling of loneliness, social rejection, low self-esteem), everything is much more complicated. In this case, special trainings, motivating books or even psychoanalysts can help.

5. Change the information environment around you

Our thoughts are largely determined by the physical and informational space in which we find ourselves.

TV, billboards, internet banners - all these things influence our thoughts and can act as catalysts for shopping.

Stop watching TV, bypass shopping malls, install an ad blocker. These measures will reduce the number of consumer irritants in your information field.
