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What happens if you swallow gum
What happens if you swallow gum

You definitely won't have to live with an elastic band for 7 years.

What happens if you swallow gum
What happens if you swallow gum

What is chewing gum made of?

Originally D. E. Milov, J. M. Andres, N. A. Erhart, D. J. Bailey. Chewing Gum Bezoars of the Gastrointestinal Tract / Pediatrics Chewing gum was made from natural latex called chicle. It was obtained from the sap of the sapodilla tree. Later they learned to synthesize artificial latex, which did not differ in properties from natural. Such a substance becomes soft in the mouth, but hardens at room temperature or refrigeration.

The exact composition of any gum is a trade secret and is not disclosed by the manufacturers. It is only known that CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 / U. S. is added to latex. Food and Drug Administration some kind of wax and elastomers for the right consistency. Flavors and sugar or sugar substitutes give the gum a pleasant taste.

Where did the myth come from that chewing gum stays in the body for 7 years?

Neither artificial nor natural rubber is digestible. Therefore, it is written on the packaging that you should not swallow the gum. Perhaps this is how the J. Matson myth appeared. Fact or Fiction ?: Chewing Gum Takes Seven Years to Digest / Scientific American, that chewing gum can stay in the body for 7 years and lead to unpleasant consequences. In fact, this is not the case.

What really happens to gum

She hits F. Ortega. Can gum really stay in your stomach for 7 years? / Yale Scientific into the stomach, and from there into the small intestine. There sweeteners are absorbed from the gum. The non-digestible part passes further into the large intestine and leaves the body naturally.

How long does it take for gum to leave the body?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of digestion. But usually you need food. How long does it take to digest food - from the time you eat it to the time you excrete it? / Mayo Clinic about 6-8 hours to get through the stomach and small intestine, and 36 hours to get through the colon. Therefore, the gum comes out completely in 2–5 days.

When to see a doctor

If a person accidentally swallows What Happens to Swallowed Gum? / KidsHealth chewing gum, no medical attention needed. You will have to contact a therapist or surgeon if a lot of gum was eaten at a time or other objects got into the stomach with them. For example, coins or unpeeled seeds. This combination can block D. E. Milov, J. M. Andres, N. A. Erhart, D. J. Bailey. Chewing Gum Bezoars of the Gastrointestinal Tract / Pediatrics digestive tract and cause esophageal or intestinal obstruction.

Most often, small objects are swallowed by children. Therefore, doctors advise against giving chewing gum to babies who do not understand that it should not be eaten. Usually What Happens to Swallowed Gum? / KidsHealth By the age of 5, a child can already see the difference between candy and gum.
