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How successful people stay calm in stressful situations
How successful people stay calm in stressful situations

To cope with stress, you need to learn how to manage your emotions. Here are eight tips from successful people to help you do just that.

How successful people stay calm in stressful situations
How successful people stay calm in stressful situations

To focus on a task and begin to complete it, we must experience moderate stress. But if it's strong and long-lasting, we can get heart disease, depression, and cognitive impairment.

Research by TalentSmart has shown that 90% of the best performing employees know how to deal with stress and keep their emotions in check. Eight rules for managing emotions help these people cope with stress.

1. Appreciate what they have

Taking a break from work and making a list of the things you value in life will likely make you feel calmer. Feeling grateful lowers cortisol levels by 23%. In addition, according to the results of an experiment conducted at the University of California, people who experience feelings of gratitude on a daily basis have improved mood and physical well-being.

2. Do not ask the question "What if …"

The more you focus on possible scenarios, the less time you spend on real action. Successful people do not ask the question "What if …". They know that the answer will not bring satisfaction or peace of mind.

3. Remain positive

Positive thoughts distract from stress. To calm down, you need to think about something pleasant. This is an easy task if you are already in a good mood. But when you are on the verge of despair, it seems to you that finding something positive is unrealistic. In this case, think about and name at least one positive event that happened during the day. Understand that good things happen on a bad day.

4. Go offline

Modern technologies provide people with communication 24 hours a day, which makes us available for round-the-clock work. If you do not distinguish between life and work, you yourself expose yourself to constant stress. To stop thinking about work, try going offline. Start on short periods, such as weekend mornings, when trying to contact you for work is the least likely.

You will be surprised how much less stress in your life will be if you disconnect from work.

5. Drink less coffee

Due to the frequent use of caffeine, the pulse quickens, there is a feeling of excitement, a surge of energy. This is how a survival mechanism works, allowing you to quickly respond to a threat. If you are not being chased by a bear, your body does not need this stimulation, as it increases stress and anxiety.

6. Get enough sleep

When you sleep, your brain reboots and processes the memories of the past day. As a result, you wake up with a clear head. Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels. Add to that the stress of work and burnout. If you want to work well, sleep well.

7. Do not dig themselves

Each of us periodically does this, although it does not give anything good and has nothing to do with objective analysis. The more you think about negativity, the more energy you give to it.

The best way to get rid of this excruciating process is to switch to something else.

8. Asking for support

It is completely inefficient to do everything yourself.

To work calmly and productively, you must acknowledge your weaknesses and ask for help when you need it.

This approach will not only help you complete tasks more efficiently and faster, but also make your work easier.
