Table of contents:

What is cellulite and how to get rid of it
What is cellulite and how to get rid of it

It's not enough just to lose weight and never gain weight again.

What is cellulite and how to get rid of it
What is cellulite and how to get rid of it

Is cellulite dangerous?

No. Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) appears Cellulite: an evidence-based review in 80-90% of women after puberty and does not cause any discomfort, except for mental suffering. It used to be considered the absolute norm for girls until the beauty industry entered the business.

Where does it come from?

Cellulite does not have one specific cause. Do you need multiple factors at once The Pathophysiology of Cellulite: Can the Puzzle Eventually Be Solved? to make the skin look like an orange peel.

But in general, the process is like this. Fat cells - adipocytes - overflow with fat and begin to press on each other. This disrupts the flow of blood and lymph, causes inflammation and fibrosis - the proliferation of tough connective tissue. In this case, collagen (the same protein that makes the skin strong and elastic and reliably holds the fat cells in the right position), on the contrary, becomes thinner. And the older the person, the worse things are.

With age, due to hormonal disorders or excessive consumption of sugar, connective fibers become thinner. Estrogens stimulate the production of metalloproteinase enzymes necessary for bleeding during menstruation. These substances lead to a number of changes in the skin: they destroy collagen and activate inflammatory processes.

All these changes gradually lead to the formation of a relief on the back of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Why exactly in these places?

Maria Gavrilova says that there are special receptors on the hips and buttocks that slow down the breakdown of fat, so all excess calories are first sent to these places for storage.

In addition, the hips and buttocks are the largest fat cells in the body, and the more weight you put on, the more they will add in volume. People with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30 have nearly twice the fat cells in these areas than those who are lean (BMI less than 25).


But why do men live without cellulite?

In men, "orange peel" is almost never found. It's all about the structural features of adipose tissue. Adipocytes are located in separate lobules (alveoli), which are separated by septa - septa of rigid connective tissue.

What is cellulite and how to get rid of it
What is cellulite and how to get rid of it

Maria Gavrilova notes that in women, connective fibers are located perpendicular to the surface of the skin and form large rectangular blocks. When the pressure on them increases, the blocks easily move into the middle layers of the skin, forming the characteristic "orange peel" of cellulite.

In men, the connective fibers are at an angle, dividing the fat into small polygonal lobules. They are easier to retain in the subcutaneous fat, even with an increase in volume.

Is overweight to blame for cellulite?

Cellulite is indeed often associated with excess weight, because the larger the adipocytes, the higher the risk of crushing them, inflammation and fibrosis. But the "orange peel" can occur without extra pounds.

Some girls with a BMI of less than 25 have fat cells on the thighs and buttocks comparable to those of obese people. This feature is found in 20-25% of women without excess weight and can reward them with cellulite on slender legs.

And then what?


Denis Ginsburg

Cellulite is caused by the things we love: sluggish sex, fatty meals at night, your favorite car, and the fitness card you bought last year. Contrary to popular belief, the main cause of cellulite is not overweight. The main enemy of the "Brazilian" buttocks is a violation of microcirculation in the problem area.

Denis Ginsburg listed the reasons that can lead to the appearance of cellulite:

  • hormonal disorders of various etiologies (use of hormonal contraceptives, thyroid disorders, poor ecology);
  • junk food and improper eating schedule;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

And if I lead a healthy lifestyle, cellulite will disappear?

Not really. Physical activity, a healthy diet, and a lack of stress will help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but not necessarily eliminate it completely. The fact is that, even with a decrease in volume, the fibrous tissue that has already grown on swollen adipocytes will not go anywhere. This means that irregularities on the skin will remain, although they will become less noticeable.

And if you add massage, cream and nutritional supplements?

All these therapies are designed to increase microcirculation, relieve swelling and improve skin elasticity. However, their effectiveness has not been proven by Cellulite: A Review of its Anatomy, Physiology and Treatment.

Scientists doubt that creams can penetrate Anticellulite Creams: Are They Worth Your Money? deep inside the skin to fix something. Nutritional supplements do not have much effect and in some cases even lead to weight gain.

Among the types of massage, hardware LPG An alternative treatment modality for cellulite: LPG endermologie with a combination of vacuum and massage rollers has at least some positive effect. You can also try a special anti-cellulite massage, for example, using the Lifehacker's instructions.

Keep in mind that none of these techniques will help you get rid of the fibrous tissue. Therefore, if you want to cure cellulite quickly and for sure, you should contact a beautician or plastic surgeon.

How will they be treated in the clinic?

There are several therapies that have been scientifically proven to be effective.

Shock wave therapy (SWT)

This is the impact of high amplitude acoustic waves. UHT contributes to Controlled, randomized study evaluating the effects of treating cellulite with AWT / EPAT., Placebo controlled, prospectively randomized, double-blinded study for the investigation of the effectiveness and safety of the acoustic wave therapy (AWT (®)) for cellulite treatment … creation of new blood vessels, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, stimulates the exchange of fat cells, increases skin elasticity.

Maria Gavrilova claims that the effect of shock wave therapy lasts from one year or longer.

Laser therapy

For the treatment of cellulite, a 1 440 nm laser is used with the introduction of a small cannula. This is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require large incisions.

A multicenter study for a single, three-step laser treatment for cellulite using a 1440-nm Nd: YAG laser, a novel side-firing fiber, and a temperature-sensing cannula., Single treatment of grades II and III cellulite using a minimally invasive 1, 440 ‑ nm pulsed Nd: YAG laser and side ‑ firing fiber: an institutional review board ‑ approved study with a 24 ‑ month follow ‑ up period. to the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous space using thermal energy, smoothes the surface, removes bulging fat cells and stimulates the production of new collagen, which will make the skin thicker and more elastic.

The visible effect of the treatment lasts more than a year.

Radio wave lifting (Radiofrequency, RF)

This procedure involves the application of high-frequency currents to areas of the skin with cellulite. The heat causes a reaction in the dermis, destroying the effectiveness of anticellulite treatment using tripolar radiofrequency monitored by classic and high-frequency ultrasound. connective tissue lined up in the wrong orientation and reduces edema.


This is a type of therapy with subcutaneous injections of various drugs, for example, a cocktail of lidocaine with buflomedil and aminophylline - means to improve microcirculation. The data on this technique are conflicting. Some studies Efficacy of intradermal mesotherapy in cellulite reduction - Conventional and high-frequency ultrasound monitoring results. prove its effectiveness, others deny it Effectiveness of Mesotherapy on Body Contouring.

Cellfina technique

This method involves the use of a Cellulite vacuum: a review with a focus on subcision. First, a vacuum sucks the skin in the right place, then anesthesia is administered. After freezing, the fibrous septa are cut with a micro-blade, relieving the pressure and protrusion of the fatty lobules.

The effect of this technique lasts up to two years, but there are also relapses.


This is an expensive plastic surgery technique using ultrasound. First, a mixture of saline, lidocaine and adrenaline is injected into the problem area. Lidocaine relieves the area, and adrenaline relieves bruises. Then the area is treated with ultrasound, due to which the solution heats up and destroys the abnormal adipose tissue.

After destroying the fat cells, the surgeon straightens out the contours of the body using another procedure - Cellulite lipofilling: A Surgical Treatment Approach.

Lipofilling is a method of contouring using the patient's own adipose tissue. The surgeon takes the required volume and injects it into areas with problematic relief. This achieves an even contour of the cellulite zone.

Denis Ginsburg

Denis Ginsburg notes that this procedure is painless, effective and does not require a long rehabilitation period. While maintaining weight, its effect can last for life.

Is it painful and expensive?

UHT, laser, radio wave lifting and mesotherapy cost on average from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles per session, depending on the clinic. These are painless procedures, however, after the procedure, the increased sensitivity of the skin may persist.

Cellfina, VASERsmooth and lipofilling are much more expensive. Prices depend on the specific clinic and range from 30,000 to 260,000 rubles. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia.

And then cellulite will not appear again?

None of the methods listed above provide lifelong cellulite reduction.

Maria Gavrilova explains that its development is largely due to physiological reasons, and therefore relapses very often occur. To maintain the results of therapy and prevent more advanced stages, it is necessary to combine proper nutrition, sports, external treatment and hardware procedures.

What to do to make cellulite go away forever?

First, you need to find the therapy that's right for you. It can be one procedure or a whole range of measures: diet, exercise, a combination of several procedures, such as laser, mesotherapy, LPG massage or others.

Denis Ginsburg advises to consult with a beautician or plastic surgeon before starting treatment.

Since the spectrum of causes of cellulite is extremely wide, the treatment is usually individual, and conventional remedies may not only have no effect, but worsen the general situation.

Denis Ginsburg

Second, no treatment will provide long-term benefits if risk factors are not removed. Everything you need to know about cellulite can be done to keep the skin smooth on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen:

  • Normalize hormone levels. A decrease in estrogen, a female sex hormone, impairs blood flow to connective tissue and decreases insulin sensitivity. Impaired microcirculation leads to hypoxia, decreased collagen production and edema, and reduced insulin sensitivity causes cells to store fat. If you have any suspicions about hormonal imbalance, see an endocrinologist.
  • Establish food. A diet high in carbohydrates, fat and salt and low in fiber increases the risk of cellulite. Cut back on sugar, junk food, pickles, and increase your intake of vegetables and unsweetened fruits.
  • Quit smoking. It is not clear how this is related, but smokers have a higher risk of cellulite.
  • Move more. Physical activity improves microcirculation and lymph drainage, increases insulin sensitivity. Add the WHO recommended 150 minutes of activity per week (walking, housework, quiet cycling) or 75 minutes of moderate-intensity work (running, aerobics, any sport that raises your heart rate to 120 beats per minute).
